Mouldy wrote:
@ pbcoll And with that attitude you are going to be alone forever why give up giving up means you have failed 100% if you keep trying there is still a chance people will like you
Technically the chances are non-zero if I try but the odds are so stacked against me that it seems like a total waste of time - same reason why I don't buy lottery tickets. I don't believe in flogging a dead horse, I prefer to cut my losses and move on. I have accepted (not joyfully) that I will be alone forever, that I will never get a gf or a date ever again. Actually there are two separate issues here, one that I don't know any girl with whom a relationship would have any chance of working (hence no point in asking out anyone I know to begin with), and that I don't see any girl in the future accepting me as I am, essentially because of being uncharismatic and poor social skills generally, being weird with weird interests, and
not being interested in things that with the vast majority of girls are prerequisites for getting anywhere romantically (partying, clubbing, dancing).
AutisticMalcontent wrote:
I used to spend so much time and effort into finding a girlfriend in the past, and all it did was make me miserable, cost me money that could be better spent, and wasted my time.
That's more or less my experience too.
AutisticMalcontent wrote:
I don't care whether they like me or not, if they don't care for me, that's their loss and no skin off my nose. I'd suggest adopting the same mindset, after all, women are not losing any sleep over guys like us, why should we lose sleep over them
That's the mindset I'm trying to adopt. They don't care what I think of them, so why should I care what they think of me?
I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)
El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)
I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).