Aspiewifey wrote:
Sound wrote:
Lene is correct, generally there is no way 'to get out of that zone'. It is rare upon rare, and shouldn't be relied upon.
I didn't think Lene was saying there was no way to get out of that zone. I thought she was saying that being patient and hanging out wasn't the way to do it; that you have to be proactive and give a girl concrete (and sober) signals instead of just being patient and hoping she'll notice you.
Yeah, thanks. That's what I meant, I just didn't phrase it too well in my original post.
Sound, I suppose I know about the friend-zone first hand. It's not just a guy experience, although thankfully I've only ended up in it once and we are still friends (with absolutely no intention of becoming anything else).
Just an addition (this advice from my bf), if you want to get out of the friend zone, do it as soon as possible before you become best friends i.e whilst you're still aquaintances or only see each other occasionally.
I think once someone relies on you emotionally, as a very close friend, suddenly appearing with 'ulterior motives' can be percieved as a betrayal of trust in the friendship. This may be what Sound is referring to when he says the zone is escapeable, and I am not entirely how you work this out.
It seems as if there is friendship, and then somewhere along the line there is a divergence to 'best friendship' or 'relationship' and the two are each distinct paths. One is not an automatic stepping stone to the other.