Mouldy wrote:
Uh'huh thanks for the advice
No problem.
Mouldy wrote:
Im not sure why but i feel that maybe tiuching her leg and hands might annoy her if she is concentrating on the film and then it would be obvious what i was tryying to do
At one point it should become obvious. By graduately seeking more physical contact and checking her reaction at each step, you should be safe from harm as long as you back off the soon you notice she's getting uncomfortable.
Mouldy wrote:
i hate having to do all this and sure screwing it up is fine
I've had 5 girlfriends in total and even when I tried to kiss my last girlfriend the first time I messed up. So really... don't worry about that. As long as she likes you more than just a friend (and the whole process I described can help you figure out if she does), it should be alright.
Mouldy wrote:
its just the embarrasment of it really and whether or not she will catch on to it
That's why you should check her reaction each and every step of the process and back off as soon as you notice she's uncomfortable. It should save both of you from any embarassment if things don't work out the way you expect them to.
Mouldy wrote:
if i just kiss her and she not exspect it then it could be at the wrong time
If she really likes you, you'll find the right time. Just look her in the eyes and if she looks back, try to lean forward and move your lips towards hers. It takes a lot of courage the first time but as a guy you're expected to make the first move nevertheless.
Mouldy wrote:
any more quick advice would be good as it is tomorrow night and im still kinda nervous
That's as much advice as I can give you for the situation you're in. It worked for me and I'm sure it'll work for you as long as she's into you... which you will figure out by analysing her reaction during the process.