unitedprayr wrote:
now he is telling me all this telling me that he is in love me and does not want to loose me. I am so confused.
Okay, I don't know how long you two were involved, and I'm not sure how old the two of you are, but I'll do my best to give you a little perspective.
You two had some serious communication problems, right? So if you get back together with him, what will be different? How will you and he approach communication differently, so that you don't repeat the same problems? Is he willing to educate himself about AS? Is he willing to understand that you have certain limitations that cannot be changed? Does he understand that AS is not a choice on your part, and that he will have to adjust his expectations of the relationship in some ways to accommodate you?
Do you understand that there are probably things you can do differently as well? Are you willing to push your own limits (whatever limits can be pushed) in order to accommodate your NT partner? Are you willing to educate him, and be patient with him while he learns?
I've got to say, I really, really dislike the fact that he dumped you via text. That's just immature and cowardly. However, I don't know all the details (age, relationship experience, extenuating factors, etc.), so I don't know if that's a deal-breaker or not. I'd send him an email and ask him about the stuff above. You need to understand if he's willing to contribute to a better relationship, and be a better partner before you make any decisions about reconciliation. I suggest taking at least a week for the two of you to think about how to resolve those issues, and then see where you both stand (after emotions have cooled a bit). Good luck.
What you feel is what you are and what you are is beautiful...