You echoed something that almost exactly resembles a similar conversation my wife and I have had before. I don't do well socially on my own. So when I have to go to parties or other social events, I almost insist my wife accompany me. It's more than just a date. My wife is very good at speaking for me. She knows my thoughts and feelings and saves me from looking like an idiot most of the time.
The secret is that I can tell her ANYTHING, whether she's interested in what I have to say or not! We talk all the time on what's best for me, things I need to support what I do, what's best for the family. We disagree on things all the time, but you have to in order to figure out what's going to work best (the problem with a lot of things going through Congress right now, for instance, is that arguments are one-sided). When we do come to some agreement, we stick with it, get our stories together, and that's how we manage to have any kind of outside life. An NT mate is very valuable in that respect--a bridge to the outside world for us introverts.
Kids, well, my experience is that they've grown on me. I always thought of having kids as a necessary but frightening experience. But I've found I can't imagine life without them. They're the only other people I feel comfortable having any kind of physical contact with besides my wife--except for that whole kissing thing, just can't do it!
Trust me, you'll adjust. It's not nearly as bad as you might imagine it to be.
And you're young, too. Take your time!