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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Jan 2011, 1:07 am

Being a middle aged male who recently was informed that he probably has AS, I understand why I have never been able to really date women r have relationships. I figured that I was just ugly and therefore unable to date attractive women in our shallow culture.
Now, I find out it is because I cannot relate to what simply appear to me to be attractive "animals". As I got into my 30's learned to mimic what these shallow creatures (hot, attractive women want) so that could obtain one night stands with attractive women. There are no dates, no romance, no relationships. I have tried that route and I've tried "treating them like people" and they are repelled. If I meet drunk women in bars and i act phony and like a jerk then I can get a quickie. Hot women like phony jerks.
I would rather have had an arranged marriage like the Muslims do and westerners used to do. Then my family could get me a wife and I would not have to care about this nonsense.


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02 Jan 2011, 1:12 am



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02 Jan 2011, 3:33 am

Arranged marriage sounds like a sh***y idea to me. Sure it works for some people, but w can you marry someone you don't even know? :eew:

Wombat why do you care what other people are doing or what they want ? Just get on with finding your submissive housewife slave-woman and stop watching tv shows if you're gonna interpret them as real life


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02 Jan 2011, 3:55 am

Because they're television. They aren't real.

But lots of people IRL want that. Women have a maternal instinct, and while we don't all want to drive to kindergarten everyday, lots do want kids. And a lot of people aren't actually repulsed by monogamy. Some people don't like the "dating" scene, but some enjoy it. And then there are plenty of people who feel pressured to find someone to settle down with, and that happens for many reasons...their family, society, their biological clock.

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.


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02 Jan 2011, 11:17 am

I'm only familiar with the show Friends, and I don't think any of the characters (except for Ross) ever specifically looked for The One.

TenFaces wrote:
[typical "nice guy" rant followed by...]

I would rather have had an arranged marriage like the Muslims do and westerners used to do. Then my family could get me a [hot women for a] wife and I would not have to care about [being a decent human being since she wouldn't have much choice after all and wouldn't be able to leave me if she wanted to].

Yes, of course you would like to have an arranged marriage.

Snowy Owl
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02 Jan 2011, 6:04 pm

I fully expected this reaction to my "arranged marriage" comment. Menintights has the expected reaction. Westerners seem to adamantly defend the romance concept of relationships. In fact, even in the West, romantic attachments were mostly limited to literature or to those wealthy enough to spend time on it. Of course, I realize that in my present culture I am stuck with this.
Again, I tried to be honest, truthful, and nice to women in my teens and twenties. I recieved almost constant Rejection. I achieved a few dates and only one woman ever wanted a second date. She was very beautiful and I was surprised since I figured that I was ugly. After ten dates, came the dreaded "You're a nice guy, but..."
I observed men who were good at getting women. There were two strategies. Some acted like aggressive jerks, they got the hot women. Others acted immature, some women find the "man child" adorable. Nice guys and old fashioned gentlemen appeared to bore women.
I had two choices in my 30s be a jerk or never get laid. I did not choose this. I tried dating less attractive women and found that they were abusive and not any better than hot ones. One claimed that I "was lucky to be with her and couldn't do better". So much for that. A friend who is a Spec Ed teacher told me I exhibit AS behaviors. I believe I do as I have no idea what people are saying to me. Funny, I thought people were simply doing this to confuse me on purpose. I thus learned to be aggressive to avoid being made fun of. I scare people into not mocking me. Inconvenient and I don't enjoy it, it simply works.
Like AS persons, I find working with non-westerners easier. Some Muslims I work with told me about arranged marriage. I am not saying I would like it because I "wouldn't have to be a decent human being", but because it would free me from the incomprehensible communication-romance issues so that I could devote my time to success in business. That is a very practical way to be a good provider for a family.


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02 Jan 2011, 6:23 pm

TenFaces wrote:
because it would free me from the incomprehensible communication-romance issues so that I could devote my time to success in business. That is a very practical way to be a good provider for a family.

Rejecting communication with your wife and devoting your life to your work does not sound good for a family (I'm assuming you mean having kids with her)

Snowy Owl
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02 Jan 2011, 7:08 pm

Again, an expected reaction. I would not reject communication, I would simply avoid the meaningless issues I have found with women ( or at least NT women).
First, women don't like it if you're too nice to them. It bores them. Then if you ignore them, they also don't like it. If you're mean or a jerk, they like it for a while, then they suddenly don't like it. I am expected to know when they want me to be cocky, to be a jerk, to be nice, then to know when to ignore them. If they were consistent, they would just pick one behavior, instead of making me dance like their puppet. I am too old to put up with that now.
I am not saying all women are this way, but where I live, it is the standard pattern. That is foolishness. Now, either I am unable to communicate with women or I am ugly (or both). I have to act like an aggressive jerk in order to get women tp even consider me for affection.
As to the question of not communicating with wife and children. My mother grew up in the late 1930s and 1940s and her father was almost never home. There was a depression, a war, then a lesser known second depression into the early 1950s. My mother rarely ever saw her father, because he worked long hours far from home. Yet her family had fewer problems than today's touchy-feely families. She never once resented her father for supporting her. He almost never made it home for holidays, even Christmas, and yet they survived.


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02 Jan 2011, 7:16 pm

But don't you want to see your wife and kids and spend time with them?


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02 Jan 2011, 8:15 pm

Hmmm...I would imagine having an exclusive relationship, spouse, or eventually having children *would* be sacrificing a type of freedom. Then again, choosing to go to school or doing anything that results in moving you along your chosen path is going to involve sacrificing something else. In economics it's called an opportunity cost--what you gave up in order to have something else.

In other words, one man's sacrifice is another man's stepping stone. (or woman) :wink:

Heck no, I don't want no dang turkey bacon...

Snowy Owl
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02 Jan 2011, 8:48 pm

To Volodja, I am not saying I don't want spend time with them, but what if I cannot. And what if I cannot "communicate", they can accept the money I earn for them. And they will. Life is not about what we "want to do", but is about "what we have to do.". In reality, life is not about having our dreams come true. It is about getting old and ending up dead. Many years ago, I wanted to marry a pretty girl and have a family. Turned out, I was either too ugly or have AS. Now, I am deep into middle age and I am more than halfway to the graveyard. Oh, well. Might as well just get laid.
To Menintights, it was you that appear to misunderstand my "arranged marriage" concept. I am not angry about that, I fully expected it to be misunderstood. I think it would be efficient for AS males. I realize that it is not plausible where I live. I could retire to Asia, or get cancer before I make enough to retire. Again, oh well.


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02 Jan 2011, 10:26 pm

TenFaces wrote:
[typical "nice guy" rant followed by...]

I would rather have had an arranged marriage like the Muslims do and westerners used to do. Then my family could get me a [hot women for a] wife and I would not have to care about [being a decent human being since she wouldn't have much choice after all and wouldn't be able to leave me if she wanted to].

I would hate to be that woman :roll:

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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02 Jan 2011, 10:44 pm

Astaut, you are reading Menintights interpretation of my comment. Menintights changed the meaning of what I meant by my comment. Menintights did this to since I offended some sensibilities with my arranged marriage comment. Read the actual TenFaces posts to understand why I said this. Again, I realize that the arranged option is not available in this culture.
Amazing how offensive it is. Yet it is a practical tradition among much of the world's Asians, Hindus, Muslims. Lucky them.


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02 Jan 2011, 10:45 pm

Having sex is what I am doing, with lots of people. Some people don't like it, tough luck.