Space wrote:
love isn't happiness , it's just a myth. In the end, love is difficult and frought with many perils. Unfortunately, modern society is not conducive to the kind of love that endures. Adult love is conditional, and carries real risk like divorce , kids, and seriously hurt feelings when things go south. Money, technology , pop culture, work, our collective greed and narcissism, all conspire against our chances of long term love. AS is just the icing on the cake. So if you're single , you really aren't as bad off as you might think.
I remember when I was 15 I started suffering from depression I didn’t know why. One time in a night club with a friend, I didn’t understand why the alcohol made me depressed. Today I parked up at Lidls so my mother can go shopping. When I woke up gradually, I was overcome by chronic depression before I could wake up properly.
Chronic loneliness is most a genetic thing. This is why it doesn’t it happens at the start of being a teenager not at 5 years old. If one could convince oneself that they are happy this way. The will most likely have fits of depression and not understand why it is happening. One could be rich, travel to exotic lands etc but if it mean the certainty of being alone, it will not be good enough.