louthinator wrote:
(bumped up)
... You bumped after 11 minutes?
Louthinator. Chill. This board gets good traffic, but not THAT good. At
least give it a half day.
Also, tip: When you respond with posts like this:
louthinator wrote:
"sighs" i see this were be where all the replys stop oh well time to start a new post to be ignored
....You are creating a self-fulfilling prophesy. This kind of talk and behavior is a huge turn-off. If you want people to talk to you more, if you want people to judge you less, if you want people to enjoy your company more, then you need to be careful to avoid putting yourself down. Also known as negative self-talk.
This is such a commonly reliable pattern that you should heed it well, and try to apply it's ideas elsewhere in your life. The more positive a person you seem to be, the more you will attract peoples' positive regard, as well as positive attention. I recognize that this is
exceptionally hard amid a depression, but this is still the truth, and an important way to get out of depression. It's also an important way to turn around your life in a more broader sense.
So, again, I request that you cease with putting yourself down. It makes responding to you much easier, and more enjoyable. (...btw, Shebakoby, this goes for you too.)
And with that said, I look forward to seeing you around here a bit more.