sunshower wrote:
Spam-I-Am wrote:
I've never had a girlfriend before, and I'm 28. There are also no prospects for me in my near future. It is as they say, "If nothing changes, then nothing changes."
I have come to believe that getting a girlfriend, getting married, or having children is not a right; it is a gift. You being born is not a right either; that is also a gift. Now I am not advocating abortion because you also don't have the right to be dead. I say that being born is a gift because we have been given free will, and as such we have the ability to form and to shape our lives, for good or for ill. That is power! Therefore, we also have the ability to reap the fruit of the seeds we've sown.
It is during these times of drought in our lives that we ought learn how to grow ourselves and to discover out who we really are. These dry times can also help us appreciate the gifts we've already been given. Hopefully these dry times won't last forever and that life will also send us some rain.
I just wanted to say that I loved this comment, it's so insightful and well worded it deserves exposure.
well I agree with that, the issue is that most people rather than thinking it is a gift, they think it is a duty, tend to mock you or on the other end, feel sorry for you, about it, surprisingly or rather not surprisingly, this is the only place I have read, and repeated a few times, the assertion that getting a girlfriend is a privilege rather than a right, I mean, if everyone "knew" this, they would leave us alone!.....
?Everything is perfect in the universe - even your desire to improve it.?