hale_bopp wrote:
No, I was explaining what it means to be easily flattered. Some women, (I know several) just lapp up any compliment or anything and thrive off it.
I couldn't care less for that rubbish unless its someone I am really interested in. I didn't say anything about not liking to be flirted with by someone im intereted in.
That's what I mean by there being a difference between being easily flattered and feeling flattered by the affectionate attention. I guess I felt that mutual interest was understood in the context. My bad.
OP, my first date with the woman I am I married to now (going on 10 years) was a hike to a beautiful spot in the mountains, and sharing a gourmet lunch I had prepared.
The next date was to the Botanical Garden and an open air concert at the zoo. We went dutch that time. But again, I made a picnic dinner for the concert.
The fanciest date was a Victor Borge performance with a high dollar dinner beforehand and decadent chocolate desserts after. Dutch on the dinner, I bought the tickets and desserts.
Maybe that'll give you some ideas...