The problem is that the OP is so close to the subject matter that he can't see the woods for the trees. My interpretation of the situation is something like this.......
WeatherFreak wrote:
1) She is an ex-alcoholic only 3 weeks
She is a self abuser and an addict.
WeatherFreak wrote:
2) She lost her son due to her drinking , she's only allowed to see him once a week so far
She is not a fit parent.
WeatherFreak wrote:
3) Self Harmer
She has psychiatric problems.
WeatherFreak wrote:
4) Lost her job
Has a complete lack of responsibilty.
WeatherFreak wrote:
5) Raped when she was much younger
Says her - by this stage, we have pretty much proven she lacks credibility as a human being. Why would you believe anything she says? On the other other, if she is telling the truth she needs to get over it.
WeatherFreak wrote:
6) She never sleeps right , she can be uptill 4am on facebook and sleeps during the afternoon.
No wonder she can't hold down a f***ing job.
WeatherFreak wrote:
7) Can never make her own mind up , she tells me i can't make decisions
I would imagine most substance abusing, psychiatrically unwell insomniacs are like this.
WeatherFreak wrote:
8 ) Tells the world when she's ill , texts me day after day about being ill
She's telling the truth. She is seriously mentally ill.
WeatherFreak wrote:
9) Lives about 30mins away
Look, there is no other way to put this but this woman is a serious cantidate for loser of the year - if not the century. Why the hell would you want to be with someone like this? Do yourself a favour and set you sights a little (or a lot) higher.
I am highly in tune with my perceptions. It's reality that I haven't got a clue about.