I miss my ex girlfriend.
I just need her back man.
She was my social life.
She was everything.
I am crying right now.
I can't even go to bed at decent hours any more because I feel as though the days owe me something, and if I feel unsafe, I can't sleep. I rarely even went to bed at decent hours when I was in the relationship either - usually at 4, 5 or 6am due to different time zones.
I'm so god damn miserable.
I have a habit of bringing up emotions to such a painful extent it feels as though the break up is fresh. I was with my ex girlfriend for two years over a long distance relationship.
Now I'm having these bad mood swings, awful depressed states, ocd sucks and the general way I am affected emotionally is hurting me so much I just feel like I can't do a damn thing.
I need mental help.
feel the same about mine. but s**t man, what happens happens.