OneStepBeyond wrote:
KaiG wrote:
I've always wanted to invite a girl to sit on some swings under the stars. Swings are awesome.
I love swings! Oddly I didn't find out how much I liked them until I was an adult..
I used to get really bored at night, see who was on MSN/Skype and send them a mess then head to their place and drag them out for a walk about and we would go to a park and play on the swings - Sadly can't do that any more because everyone I knew that would do that sort of thing/or rather put up with me doing it to them, has gotten 'old', found some female and got married and has had children.. oh well..
So are you guys forward or backward spinners? Me backwards usually..
KaiG wrote:
Throw her a picnic under the stars on a grassy knoll where one can see the landscape and either the countryside (if you live in the country) or the city in which you live, lit up like a Christmas tree.
Moog wrote:
I often do dates in parks, cos I'm cheap and can't drive, and parks are nice. I say often, but it hasn't happened for a while.
hmmmm.. when I have suggested this to males, they thought they would 'come off as cheap'.
I don't think it is cheap, I think it is fun and there is nothing wrong with it if you already know the other person.
Know what the park is like/for at night

Not sure about the xmas tree though..
Gehringer wrote:
Ive known her for 9 years(!).
Gehringer wrote:
there is the minor issue that I' moving in a month or two. not far away (its a ten minute drive), but we'll lose the convinience of being able to walk to each others houses.
then again, I've been looking for a reason to take driving lessons for a while now....
The girl.. is the girl next door? Oh this is to cute..
A ten minute drive is nothing, you could bike that in no time even if you don't drive.
Gehringer wrote:
the main problem with going to a mall, it that the only mall close to us is filled with expensive stores neither of us want to go to.
She doesn't like expensive shops?!?!
She sounds awesome!
What kind of 'hobbies' do you guys have? It might help people to give you suggestions for places to go.
Depending on why she doesn't like going to expensive shops, she could be really easy to do things with.
Meaning, she doesn't like them because she is not materialistic... compared to, she doesn't like them because she can't afford them.