blue_bean wrote:
Some guy from my hometown was talking to me tonight on MSN and he's given me a complex now which I can't seem to shake off.
Alterego: this is probably fairly offensive, but why dont you have 3 kids?
amelia: Am I supposed to have 3 kids by now?
Alterego: a girl from [place redacted] with a brain who doesnt have 3 kids is pretty rare
Alterego: your out and about in the cbd, you should realise these things
amelia: well colour me oblivious!
amelia: there must be a catch with me somewhere
amelia: like, I have 4 arms or something
Alterego: exactly
Alterego: good looking
Alterego: job
Alterego: there must be a catch
I haven't been getting many replies on the dating website I'm on.
Could guys be avoiding me because I seem to be too good to be true? I mean, they see that I don't have these things like "normal" women my age have (3 kids & a centrelink payment) and assume there must be something wrong with me? There is a catch: thought I'm not diagnosed with AS,
I certainly am different and behind with a lot of things. Should I somehow address this in my profile?
Like others have said, do not add AS. First your not diagnosed, so what if you meet a guy, they 'think' you have AS and later on it turns out to be something else.
BUT yes, depending what all is on your 'profile' you could come off as not 'the perfect catch' but 'what is the catch'.
Couple years ago 'friends' did up profiles for a bunch of us, and they thought it would be a great idea to do mine because I do not fit the
typical profile. They wanted a wide range of possibilities, but also more that suited the demographics for where we all lived. The responses to some of the profiles were very interesting to read.
I have no idea where your located, so no clue on the demographics.
I would suggest you read other women's profiles, from the area your in and compare the differences.
When they did that with mine, the differences between the sexes/genders were very interesting. I read it, it sounded like me, I oked them to use it.. and it turned out sounding like more then half of the men on the site when they gathered info.
Couple months of gathering responses they took it from 'on-line', to 'off-line' and more information gathering at the campus, malls and couple other places.
They printed them out, removed our 'names' and 'sex/gender' and added a number. Individuals would go through the pile of printed profiles
and would mark down who they thought would be interesting and if they would respond to the 'profile'.
Some of us that had been part of the 'profile' group ended up picking our own 'profiles'.
There was a new insight for many of us to look at and I think they should expand on it and publish the results.
Now if someone would just do that with the 'code speak' that would be awesome.
What is cbd?
Ichinin wrote:
To some, you may sound too good to be true, but if you lived in Sweden, you sound like you'd be yet another girl living on her own with a career too busy for a relationship. Like most of them
Demographics.. unfortunately we don't all live where we would be best suited for that.
Erisad wrote:
(One guy that was into clinical psychology who probably wanted to befriend me as a thesis topic or something)
lol.. ummm sociologist sometimes do that as well. So don't think it is just psychologist.
OP, just make your interest clear, and don't sell yourself short, but don't over sell.
If your really interested in why they think you should have pushed out 3+ babies by 1+ men, look up the stats.
Depending where you live, you might be 10-12 years late at having your first kid.
Sadly you could get caught into another trap..
your too independent, too self-reliant and too smart for 'your own good'. Know what I mean