primaloath wrote:
JohnIsBlind, menintights is one of the female trolls here on L&D.
I do sympathize with this, primarily because, at least until the invention of artificial wombs, it keeps men who cannot become romantically involved from having children. I also sympathize with people who cannot have sex because they do not have the training necessary to change their feelings, and thus experience a great deal of craving and suffering.
I fully agree that sex is not a measure of a person's qualities.
Perhaps you are expressing great mystical truths. I do not know, what you are saying, though. What is a "primal oath" primaloath, if I may digress from the topic? Are you bound by such an oath? An initiate of an occult order by chance? Hopefully you aren't a troll. But you never can tell in this postmodern domain of the internet can you?
I to am bound by an oath of sorts, tell me more about overcoming craving and suffering and what that has to do with sex. So that I may accomplish that oath's demand.
Perhaps I should have suspected menintights was a troll. Perhaps a transvestite?