willa wrote:
Severus wrote:
Unfortunately. It has nothing to do with longing to have a romantic and/or sexual involvement, it's just basically a desire to know what makes someone tick and to be near to them (though safely outside touching distance).
Pretty spot on with me.
Really just happened recently for first time, feeling a true obsession with a person.
Not someone romantically involved with or any sort of real passionate feelings or desire for, just a good friend.
Wonder if anyone is similar in this manner though... Though I guess cause there wasnt any kind of romantic thing it was short luckily short lived.
Pretty close. I really dislike the words 'romantic' and 'obsession', they both cause/bring confusion. I don't believe in romance and only had one 'obsession', unfortunately it is human, a 'pet' rock would have been much better. That was enough.
Severus wrote:
Unfortunately. It has nothing to do with longing to have a romantic and/or sexual involvement, it's just basically a desire to know what makes someone tick and to be near to them (though safely outside touching distance).
Severus wrote:
I am sure that if I see them, I'd be spiralling down on my obsession within munites. That's why I don't attempt any contact .. I am truly spooked of the effect this might have on me.
Humans have always fascinated me, like many other things that fascinate me, but like willa, that human obsession was my first One and it will be my One and Only, because it caused/brought that much fascination/curiosity/confusion. Fascination/curiosity I am fine with.. the next step up into obsession, I do not like.. nothing ever grabbed my mind to cause that. Until that human.
I seem to have broken some unknown rule of thumb though. Because there was more then simple touching involved, so experienced completely that
human obsession. I, and the human said they agree with this, do not believe sex= romance, but that sex can = a better, more complete understanding of an
individual, as in, there could be less pieces missing. Doesn't mean you would know fully complete.
The human, may tend to try and disagree now. However, because when we first started to communicate, and why, I suggested that the human keep a journal. They said because they tell me everything, they did not need a journal, because I was their journal. Not a comfortable place for me to be, but because of that and some ways the human is, I did as they said I was and kept everything in a journal - thank goodness for OneNote, made being a journal much easier. Makes creating books very easy, perfect for cookbooks etc
As for referring to them as simply the
human, it is a personal test of myself. They became more complete, more individual traits/personality showed up. As an individual, they would stand out from the pack.. so I am seeing if in my mind, they can be blended in with all the other faceless, nothing-less etc ... humans. They were never blended in before, stood out.. but maybe that can be changed.
Severus wrote:
My last obsession lated for 8 years during the last 5 of which the person wasn't even in the same country with me and we had not any kind of contact whatsoever...
8 years... I could not do that, especially the 5... It
will completely leave my head.. one way or another. I will make it do so if need be... if that means objectifying it, until it, becomes simply just matter or atoms.. its there, we just done 'see/feel' it, generally.. kind of like, it is so much there.. that it is nothing. Or rather nothing to be noticed, pay it no never mind.. it is nothing..
Severus wrote:
I am truly spooked of the effect this might have on me.
Forgive me, but it is kind of comforting to know others feel spooked by this as well. I tend to use a lot harsher words though. So thanks for posting that..