hale_bopp wrote:
Also in Regards to John Mayer, I think you'll find its less about talent with women, and more about being rich, dark, tall, famous and "deep" because of the songs he writes.
Some guys know how to be smooth though, I don't know enough about him to know if he's one of them, and he has a weird face in my opinion.
In case anyone doesn't know what being "smooth" means, its a man who tells woman everything she wants to hear and making a good act on making her think he believes it. Be dark and sensual, romantic.
People have pulled the moves on me and I must say, I was allured like a rat running into a trap. It never got anywhere because the guy must have ended up luring someone else. Some people are just very, VERY good at it. I know a guy who looks weird, stinks, has greasy hair and dirty clothes, goes into town and always manages to take home a woman. He's a smooth moover. I tried picking him to bits to find out how he did it and he told me to mind my own business.
i was taken in by a guy like that once. i was angry for a while, mostly because i felt so stupid. i was 18 years old and i assumed the guy had some integrity and he didn't. not that i had any automatic expectations, but he told me a bald-faced lie and i stupidly believed him. guys like that must count on fresh blood, because i think women eventually learn from the experience! (hopefully)
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