How to improve your chances with women.

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Tufted Titmouse
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24 Nov 2010, 7:59 pm

nilescrane wrote:
I think there is a direct correlation between introverted men with low self-esteem and depression and wanting a girlfriend. (Disclaimer: I'm not saying the only guys that would ever want a girlfriend are clouded by low self-esteem and depression.) However, from what I noticed on this board and other boards, they seem to have false idea of what a relationship entails.

A few years ago when I was still depressed, I told a girl I was talking to online about my problems, and she told me that it would turn most women off at this age because they're looking for fun. I didn't understand what she meant at the time, but after being around women, now I do. Contrary to what the media wants you to believe, young women want a fun, confident guy that they can share memories with and go out with on weekends and stuff like that.

I have an online friend (who I've met before in person too) that's been dating a guy for over a year. She mentioned how eventually she wants to move to LA. I asked her what the bf thought about that. She said 'I don't want to think about that now. Him and I aren't permanent, we're just having fun, and when the time comes, we'll discuss it." This is a very high-class woman, too.

This mythical girlfriend for the depressed, LSE Aspie male, doesn't exist. And the irony is, if he took care of his mental health, he likely wouldn't want a girlfriend for that reason anyway. If he still wanted a girlfriend, it would be to share her company and to enjoy being around a woman.

This is why I've always stressed taking care of your mental health...any depression, self-esteem problems, first. It's not healthy to obsess over wanting a girlfriend. It makes perfect logical see guys at a young age in high school walking around with a girl holding hands,and you see in on tv and the movies, and it makes you want it even more, and you begin to question yourself for not being able to get a girlfriend. But when you obsess over it, you end up like Sodini or like a member formerly on the board in his 40s who was banned for blaming all of his problems on life over women.

Question: what does one do if one isn't fun?

I don't really have any self-esteem issues (I've managed to get over them these last six months ever since I made a new friend who assures me that my body is nice, I'm lovely, mature, intelligent &c.) and though I can be occasionally prone to depression that only happens when I'm alone meaning that it shouldn't be at all noticeable to anyone I don't tell about it. But I'm not that fun to be with. And that isn't lack of self-esteem talking, just the knowledge that what interests me is vastly different from what interests most people and that that combined with my maturity and introversion turns me into a dull person to be around for any great length of time.


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24 Nov 2010, 8:02 pm

You're only 18 you have plenty of time. And you'll likely end up with a woman like yourself...soft-spoken, introverted, homebody.


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24 Nov 2010, 8:21 pm

billsmithglendale wrote:
happymusic wrote:
The list is ok, but #7 confuses me. After you expanded on it it made a little more sense, but as a woman, if a guy I considered a friend just pushed me away and said "you should be talking with a girlfriend about this" I'd be very confused and hurt. I'd have no way of knowing that he would prefer being romantically involved with me. I'd even be more hurt because it assumes I have girlfriends to turn to, which I don't. It's sort of like getting friend-dumped.

All of this seems so complicated and NT-ish (as in socially elaborate) to me.

I guess the alternative would be for him to say "I just let you cry on my shoulder because I like to be close to you and fantasize about sleeping with you." Would that be preferable? I would hope that instead, she could read between the lines (as we guys are often asked to do in the reverse of this situation) and understand why this happened.

I don't think a friendship where one party wants more than the other does, or believes that it is more than it is, is a valid one or a good idea.

I think you were maybe being sarcastic here...not sure...but no matter. :) If a guy said that to me it'd snap me out of thinking he was just a friend and I probably would at least consider him. Seriously, I just don't get it and rarely, if ever even realize there's anything to read between the lines.

I also agree with what Harpist said about being a true friend. I mean if a guy thinks he can become my bf without actually being my friend he's misjudged my character and will likely not get anywhere with me.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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24 Nov 2010, 10:55 pm

nilescrane wrote:

A few years ago when I was still depressed, I told a girl I was talking to online about my problems, and she told me that it would turn most women off at this age because they're looking for fun. I didn't understand what she meant at the time, but after being around women, now I do. Contrary to what the media wants you to believe, young women want a fun, confident guy that they can share memories with and go out with on weekends and stuff like that.

what does the media want you to believe? Cause it seems to me that they want you to believe that young women want a fun, confident guy that they can share memories with and go out on weekends and stuff like that

and hey... I really wouldn't mind that either. Id like to just go for a walk. Talk about things. Be close to someone. Thats fun to me. Unlike all the things that aren't fun to me. Like being lonely. but apparently if you are lonely you deserve to be lonely? i dont know how it all works


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25 Nov 2010, 12:26 am

nilescrane wrote:
You're only 18 you have plenty of time. And you'll likely end up with a woman like yourself...soft-spoken, introverted, homebody.

I'm 25 and I'm still waiting for that moment to happen - and I was in a bout of depression over it last week.


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25 Nov 2010, 1:38 am

Its never going to happen if you don't meet lots and lots of people.

So theres your answer. Meet as many people as possible. If you don't get a date, at least you've got friends or people to talk to.


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25 Nov 2010, 1:59 am

And I'm doing that much more these days.

Actually, I would be at a bar for a little pre-Thanksgiving drinking if it wasn't for a cranky Fujitsu laptop not taking an install of Windows 7...


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25 Nov 2010, 3:55 am

nilescrane wrote:
7.)If a woman that you aren't dating or sleeping with is telling you about her problems, it means that you're essentially in the friend zone. She views you as understanding like one of her female friends. If you sense she's just using you for a shoulder to cry on, a cab, etc., just cut her off. No explanation necessary. If it's a true friend but you find her bringing her problems to you, tell her simply "Maybe you should be talking to one of your girl friends about this." She will respect you and treat you like a potential dating interest.

huh .. what!?>?

no, this is all wrong. no one is relationship material that you cannot tell about your problems.

what you mean to say here is: do not form an underlying friendship with someone you only want to be physical with. and this is probably good advice, even though it all makes me want to vomit.


nilescrane, otherwise i think you have some decent advice here.

i don't understand tho why no one here seems especially interested in women who are anything like them (aspies, or just shy girls or nerdy / nonsocial girls). or why some of you seem bent on giving each other advice instead of asking women what they like and then listening.

the best advice to aspie guys i can think of is to look for women who won't be bothered if you aren't terribly socially adept (or just isn't interested as much in socializing). women who are a little shy or geeky or something and will like you exactly for your unusual traits: your intellect, your interests, etc. so being happy and confident is good but it isn't about whipping yourself into some kind of particular shape, just gaining confidence in who you are. and looking for people who are appropriate matches for you instead of trying to figure out how to seduce a hypersocial NT you have nothing in common with.

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25 Nov 2010, 5:07 am

Niles, what are your sources of this information?

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25 Nov 2010, 5:18 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
Niles, what are your sources of this information?

The United Feminist Lobby! :lol: The ones responsible for bombings against the US government.


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25 Nov 2010, 10:40 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
Niles, what are your sources of this information?

It's common sense, Tim. Having low-self esteem and depression turns off women. Not exactly reinventing the wheel here. And having high standards, if you aren't anything great yourself, is going to lead to single-dom.

I think some people on this site aren't honest with who they really are. If you're not physically attractive and not social, find another girl who isn't physically attractive and isn't social.

Last edited by nilescrane on 25 Nov 2010, 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.


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25 Nov 2010, 11:09 am

Harpist wrote:
nilescrane wrote:
7.)If a woman that you aren't dating or sleeping with is telling you about her problems, it means that you're essentially in the friend zone. She views you as understanding like one of her female friends. If you sense she's just using you for a shoulder to cry on, a cab, etc., just cut her off. No explanation necessary. If it's a true friend but you find her bringing her problems to you, tell her simply "Maybe you should be talking to one of your girl friends about this." She will respect you and treat you like a potential dating interest.

The other points all make sense, but this one I don't understand at all. If she trusts me enough to tell me about her problems, then surely that's a good thing? Why would it mean I'm in the friend zone?

And why should I turn away a true friend that comes to me for emotional support? I wouldn't see that as respect worthy, I'd see that as thouroughly immature and unfriendly. Why would anyone want to go out with a partner who isn't willing or able to provide emotional support when it is needed?

I don't understand this!

because you're not her friend you're a sponge, GET OUT OF THERE!! !
if you are in the friend zone, you will NEVER EVER date her, trust me


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25 Nov 2010, 11:11 am

my god, no one understands the friend zone
and I am guessing a lot of you are there, and clueless to what's going on
poor bastards


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25 Nov 2010, 11:16 am

Kilroy wrote:
because you're not her friend you're a sponge, GET OUT OF THERE!! !
if you are in the friend zone, you will NEVER EVER date her, trust me

not true. i dated lots of guys who were friends first, as have all of my friends.

although i generally respect your opinions on here, i gotta say that i am probably twice your age and have significant amounts of dating experience. i know what works.

on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:


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25 Nov 2010, 11:21 am

yeah being someone's friend and the friend zone are different
yes friendship can develop into something more
real friendship-friend zone, they're not really even friends
its built on a cloud of lies and deception
where as friendship isn't


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25 Nov 2010, 11:22 am

He's referring to women that just talk to an emotionally weak guy and only associate with him to talk about all her problems since he listens and understands like a woman. He's not talking about two mutual friends where there's genuine respect and possible chemistry.

The problem with a lot of socially inept guys is that they listen to the woman's problems thinking "I can be better than the guy she's complaining about."