GUYS: Do 'kept' women turn you on?

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29 Nov 2010, 7:05 pm

not really. i want her to be independent and want me not because i can provide for her. Part of me finds it a turn on but for me it is not the basis of a good relationship.


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29 Nov 2010, 9:09 pm

GUYS: Do 'kept' women turn you on?

It depends what you mean by turn me on. NOT in a sexual sense. I'm dependent myself & being with someone who's dependent on me & supports me emotionally gives me strength & motivation to become more independent because I want to be the one taking care of my patienter instead of having em take care of me

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29 Nov 2010, 9:42 pm

i would never, never be the dream woman of any guy who wanted a "kept woman". i have a career and i do roughly half of the chores (i do cooking, groceries and laundry, husband does all the cleaning and yardwork. he irons his own clothes shirts). i do the budget and pay the bills as i am better with sums. we share the house maintenance stuff.

no major purchases are ever made without absolute agreement, and even small purchases are open to argument and potential veto (i.e. if i suddenly started eating lunch out every day, or if husband was purchasing a lot of apps for his phone, we would talk about it).

husband has slightly higher education, but i was the major breadwinner for most years (he is now edging me out). husband was always more of the nurturer/caregiver of our child.

i work quite a lot of hours, and even overtime when it is available. i cannot imagine staying at home for most of the day and doing... what? watching television? cleaning? cooking? ugh.

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30 Nov 2010, 12:58 am

boosterjones wrote:
3. They are VERY femanie and will (again in most cases I've seen) take more time in trying please you, as they know that you are their lifeline and provider. Even if they don't feel any fear that you may kick them out of your life or send them off to work, quite often they will do it cos they are greatful to you.

I don't want someone who worships the ground I walk on. We should be equals.
3. You know where they are at all times (ie at home or shopping/place of interst)

I'd like them to be free. This sounds very controlling and possessive.
but that can fixed by my simple rule of the thumb which is 'if someone b*****s at you, b***h at them back but even harder than they have done until they shut up/give in when they see that they aren't going to get there way'

That's a terrible attitude to have with other people. I would never treat anybody like that.
If I were a girl (with AS or ADHD) I'd not bother working, due to the stress involed (and the sexium that can, even today occer sometimes) and the fact I'd know full well that as things stand at the moment (in the UK at least) I'd get money from the state, and if any possible (and I'd most likely have one) did not like this then I'd kick him in the balls!! ! (Ditto for all other men and a bitching for any women.)

Plus I'd find guy's that are 'providers' sexy and I'd hope that he felt that 'kept women' were sexy, I don't think I'd find a lazy man sexy at all!! !! !

Yet if you were in her shoes, you would take every opportunity to get money from the state for doing nothing, simply because you could. How ironic.
Feel free to comment if you like, but I what I really want to know about is what you think about this view plaese rather than wether or not one can afford that kind of lifesyle, as I'm fully aware that this option is not open to us all.

I don't like your view and attitude one bit. It is selfish and controlling, and shows a lack of understanding that women are people too with their own needs and desires. Basically, you want a one-sided relationship where you never have to worry about anything, where she will never be unhappy, and you will never have to take responsibility for anything other than providing an income. That is an unrealistic and unfair burden to put on the woman. Sooner or later she will require emotional support from you, and if you don't give it to her, she'll dump you. Ultimately, boosterjones, this is how I see it:

If I love my partner when she is unhappy, when she is moody, and when she is angry, then I know I truly love her. If I can't handle her not being happy and I'm not prepared to give her emotional support when she needs it, even if it inconveniences me to do so, then I'm not ready to be in a relationship. Ladies: if my approach is wrong, feel free to correct me.


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30 Nov 2010, 5:39 am

OK, OK, maybe I put it a little bluntly, but that's how it is for us....

Please don't think that I'm some sort of control freak or anything, yes I do love her, even when she's upset becouse as a matter of fact she's at collage at the moment and not too long ago she had a few issues with some of the other suidents, which is being sorted now out by the way,

However just to let you know, as it happens I did surport her emotionly though this and I will continue to do so in the future.

Also I DON'T just think that all I have to do is provide money for her so you can all get that out of your heads.

Lastly the reason why I like her 'kept woman' satus, is indeed due to the fact that I don't have to worry about her.

And no I don't mean her cheating on me, but rather becouse, as I have already said, of the fact that she'll have a happy life with few or no problems.

Some years ago I had a crush on a girl who was indpenent had a job and all that, but she also had a LOT of problems and I was worried sick about her.

Imadgine how much more worried I'd be if my GF had those kind of issues????

And anyway, does it really matter who does what? After all even girls like her are human beings and should have the same kind of respect as everyone else, sorry if my tone was rather harsh, but I had to make it clear to you that I'm not some kind of tyrant or anything ike that (the sex slave stuff was meant to be a joke even though it's true that I often take the lead sometimes) and that I have no issue with women who are indpendent and all that, but I will not be having me or my GF told that we are in the wrong, as NOTHING to do with ANY of you, ok.

Oh yes and one more thing she is for real as just spoke to her last night.

Goodbye Till Next Time


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30 Nov 2010, 11:59 am

nilescrane wrote:
Does he sound respectful of her?

If he simply said "I met a great girl...blah blah blah...and we even have a great sex life" and left it at that, that'd be a different story.

And I have no reason to be jealous. I met a 40 year old woman that's better looking than most 20 year old women and wants a fling and likes similar things as I do. But you won't see me posting about it the way he did if it happens. Not respectful to the woman, and just makes the guy look like he's boasting.

What he wants to talk about is his choice. If you don't like his threads, don't click them.


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30 Nov 2010, 5:30 pm

Someone who liked me because they were forced to rely on me, had no ambition, was not independent...that doesn't turn me on. And like someone else said, you do sound possessive. Being attracted to a girl because you like the idea of her being a stay at home mom, IMO, is different than being attracted to someone you can hole up in your house and make reliant on you.

After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true.


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30 Nov 2010, 9:34 pm

nilescrane wrote:
Does he sound respectful of her?

If he simply said "I met a great girl...blah blah blah...and we even have a great sex life" and left it at that, that'd be a different story.

If he HAD described her as a slave, had that really been disrespectful, anyway? Among many into BDSM, that may be an immense form of respect... I guess it never occurred to you that even being degraded, especially in sexual ways, may be a great display of respect between some couples. Everyone doesn't want to be boring, you know.

Otherwise, though... to put it briefly... yes, I do indeed want my future girlfriend to not ever work. That is the only solution possible. And yes, it is hot with a girl who needs me to take care of her.


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30 Nov 2010, 11:31 pm

nilescrane wrote:

Last post on the last page.

well, idk about bragging,
but his spelling is simply terrible :x

were there any more examples that seemed to indicate bragging or is that all you got :? ?

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30 Nov 2010, 11:32 pm

Seanmw wrote:
nilescrane wrote:

Last post on the last page.

well, idk about bragging,
but his spelling is simply terrible :x

were there any more examples that seemed to indicate bragging or is that all you got :? ?

Coming from the guy that brags about having an internet girlfriend. :wink:


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01 Dec 2010, 3:14 am

Beauty_pact wrote:
nilescrane wrote:
Does he sound respectful of her?

If he simply said "I met a great girl...blah blah blah...and we even have a great sex life" and left it at that, that'd be a different story.

If he HAD described her as a slave, had that really been disrespectful, anyway? Among many into BDSM, that may be an immense form of respect... I guess it never occurred to you that even being degraded, especially in sexual ways, may be a great display of respect between some couples. Everyone doesn't want to be boring, you know.

Otherwise, though... to put it briefly... yes, I do indeed want my future girlfriend to not ever work. That is the only solution possible. And yes, it is hot with a girl who needs me to take care of her.

This is similar to what I was going to say if he had actually called her that. If it was to transpire that they're into that stuff then no one on this forum has a right to criticise them for their sexual preferences.

Besides, excluding asexual people, I don't think anyone can honestly say they've never had a BDSM fantasy anyways.


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01 Dec 2010, 8:27 am

boosterjones wrote:
If I were a girl (with AS or ADHD) I'd not bother working, due to the stress involed (and the sexium that can, even today occer sometimes) and the fact I'd know full well that as things stand at the moment (in the UK at least) I'd get money from the state

lol @ assuming
1. most women with Aspergers or ADHD are simultaneously
affected enough to qualify for disability and not affected enough that they are off-putting to men
2. they are of average or above physical attractiveness
3. there's a plethora of men who are willing to pay for someone who doesn't work

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01 Dec 2010, 8:30 am

Asp-Z wrote:
Besides, excluding asexual people, I don't think anyone can honestly say they've never had a BDSM fantasy anyways.

Uh...I know lots of sexuals who say they haven't, and who are generally disgusted by themes of dominance and deliberately inflicting pain on others, let alone being TURNED ON by them.

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01 Dec 2010, 9:46 am

Bethie wrote:
Asp-Z wrote:
Besides, excluding asexual people, I don't think anyone can honestly say they've never had a BDSM fantasy anyways.

Uh...I know lots of sexuals who say they haven't, and who are generally disgusted by themes of dominance and deliberately inflicting pain on others, let alone being TURNED ON by them.

Say they haven't, yeah. Say they haven't. But do they honestly say they haven't? I doubt it.

Basic human nature says everyone is turned on by those things at some level. Evidence of this is even in mainstream sex - slapping a girl's bum while having sex with her is pretty normal, yet it's S&M, isn't it? Using handcuffs is thought of as kinky but not generally labeled as perverted or anything, yet it's bondage. It's also considered pretty normal to be turned on by uniforms, because they tend to connote authority, and therefore dominance.

Anyway, I really don't wish to get into an argument about this.


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01 Dec 2010, 10:08 am

Asp-Z wrote:
Bethie wrote:
Asp-Z wrote:
Besides, excluding asexual people, I don't think anyone can honestly say they've never had a BDSM fantasy anyways.

Uh...I know lots of sexuals who say they haven't, and who are generally disgusted by themes of dominance and deliberately inflicting pain on others, let alone being TURNED ON by them.

Say they haven't, yeah. Say they haven't. But do they honestly say they haven't? I doubt it.

Basic human nature says everyone is turned on by those things at some level. Evidence of this is even in mainstream sex - slapping a girl's bum while having sex with her is pretty normal, yet it's S&M, isn't it? Using handcuffs is thought of as kinky but not generally labeled as perverted or anything, yet it's bondage. It's also considered pretty normal to be turned on by uniforms, because they tend to connote authority, and therefore dominance.

Anyway, I really don't wish to get into an argument about this.

Um...I think you've been watching too much porn. 8O

For there is another kind of violence, slower but just as deadly, destructive as the shot or the bomb in the night. This is the violence of institutions; indifference and inaction and slow decay.


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01 Dec 2010, 10:09 am

Bethie wrote:
Um...I think you've been watching too much porn. 8O

I don't watch porn.