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19 Dec 2010, 4:41 pm

Well, I think women expect a guy who is DECENTLY financially well off. So, don't dis-credit that completely. I think looks would hold a bit more weight when it comes to qualifications. I guess it's dependent on whether the women makes money of her own. If she does, why would she need your money? Also, whether she wants kids is a factor. However, women your age probably aren't considering that

I guess personality is a big thing for guys which a lot of aspies lack sadly

Of course having a decent income doesn't hurt, but it's nowhere near as important as personality/charm, or at least the ability to express one's personality/charm in an immediately-recognizable, NT-friendly way (AKA smiling once in awhile :roll: )

I'd say personality/charm is 80% with everything else the remaining 20% - at least that explains my experience pretty well...

Is there a "Smiling for Dummies" book?


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19 Dec 2010, 4:42 pm

OP - the girlfriend experience is provided by escorts. It would still cost for someone to act the part.


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19 Dec 2010, 5:39 pm

I think it has more to do with the women in your area than with you. Because you are successful hey are expecting you to be this outgoing life of the party super interesting guy. Kind of like the man in the Dos Equis beer commercial. I don't look half as good as you do and I have not had the difficulties you are having. I live in a college town in a redneck state so I am VERY different from the other men around here.

Can't get it right, no matter what I do, guess I'll just be me and keep F!@#$%G up for you!
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19 Dec 2010, 10:28 pm

Chronos wrote:
I think prostitutes probably prefer jobs where they don't have to have sex.

In this case I'm not so sure. I watched a documentary on a brothel not that long ago where one of the clients only came for the GFE, no sex. The prostitutes generally seemed uncomfortable with it and some even refused to do it.


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19 Dec 2010, 11:11 pm

Yes, you can pay someone to do this. I'm quite sure, given what prostitutes are actually willing to do, someone would do this for money. Ever watched the movie "Pretty Woman", this is essentially what the male character does. He pays a prostitute 3,000 dollars to be his woman for the week (in this case, sex was part of the deal but that wasn't really the point). It's a movie and the woman ends up in love with him. I thought this was possibly the stupidest, most irrational, most unrealistic premise for a movie that ever came down the pipe, but it's one of my mother's favorites, and lots of women just love that movie. This shows the idea is not utterly devoid of plausibility.

I'm guessing it would be expensive, possibly very expensive, and in fact, it was for the guy in the movie. I'm guessing you'd be paying for the fact that it seems a bit creepy and nobody, not even a prostitute, wants to suddenly invite a creepy stalker into their life. So, you'd have to pay for the risk you'd represent. Finding someone to do this would be an exercise in research, the type of research I would imagine would be probably unpleasant, possibly illegal, and most likely involving going to a lot of places most folks avoid.

On a side note, aren't they developing robots or something in Japan for something like this reason? I seem to recall hearing about that when there was all that hooha about some guy marrying his video game character.


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19 Dec 2010, 11:34 pm

mv wrote:
I think what you're describing is a prostitute that specializes in (or offers) GFE, girl friend experience.
Wow! I never knew that. I just Googled it and apparently that's a real 'service' that some prostitutes offer.

Although, I guess that's what a lot of Thai bar girls offer, I've just never heard of that kind of thing called GFE or GirlFriend Experience before. Learn something new every day!

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20 Dec 2010, 12:20 pm

Be careful in the Thai bars . . .

Some of those attractive girls aren't . . . .

goggle up shemales . . .yuck (to me)


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20 Dec 2010, 2:53 pm

My experience with dating NT's has NOT been that good... the LONGEST relationship I've been in has lasted about 4 months. But, I personally would NOT go as far as to do the 'rent-a-companion' game. It will just be depressing when you have to let him/her go.

(Disclaimer: I'm a gay Aspie, but even my $0.02 worth will carry over to the hetero side!)

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20 Dec 2010, 3:07 pm

Oh don't know about that I'd say half my gay male friends were absolute slags truth be told


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20 Dec 2010, 10:44 pm

Re OP: It has been said [needs citation] that some people can be too attractive to find anyone.

I saw a UK chat show featuring a girl that was apparently too (conventionally) attractive to get a boyfriend. At the time i didn't understand but it does figure now. I.e., the right kind of girl will probably avoid a guy that has an awful lot going for them. They might feel out of league, maybe scared of getting hurt etc

This doesn't answer the question in the original post but i'm sure a change of area will do no harm

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21 Dec 2010, 12:03 am

Grisha you will find a girl someday I'm in the same boat I'm a very pretty looking girl, but for some reason as*holes come my way. Not to derail your threat but I see you live in Orange County and that's one place I want to visit. In Orange County there is a large number of single pretty women I'm surprised your not having any luck.


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21 Dec 2010, 12:44 am

glamourdollxoxo wrote:
Grisha you will find a girl someday I'm in the same boat I'm a very pretty looking girl, but for some reason as*holes come my way. Not to derail your threat but I see you live in Orange County and that's one place I want to visit. In Orange County there is a large number of single pretty women I'm surprised your not having any luck.

Thanks! :)


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21 Dec 2010, 3:50 am

That's strange . . . I wonder if you're inadvertently coming off as a creeper in some way. Could it be that something is making them uneasy? Like a mannerism or expression that you're not aware of having, but that means something negative to people when they see it. . . I'm not sure how you'd find out if that's the case, though. Or how to change it if you did . . . or to account for it, which is at least possible/ realistic. Well, anything is, I suppose. I feel there are always surprises in store for us. :)

Do you ever get any awareness of a moment that someone decides she doesn't want to be with you (sorry, I don't really know what's going on currently, but I think I remember seeing you write a similar post some time back) ~ if that's what's happening?

Do they seem to not like you as soon as you meet in person (if it's a blind date), or would it be after a certain activity or topic of conversation?

Haha, as if you could analyze it, right? (When I say "you" ~ I mean "me") :lol: and I'm finally sort of learning ~ 8) if logic and analysis were at all useful when it comes to navigating this whole relationship business ~ then I would be doing a lot better at it than I have been doing [duh!]. Yet for some reason I always want it to make sense . . . and it sort of does, but I think it's almost chemical (?) . .. that it's not under the person's control so much, whether or not they are attracted to somebody.

How about looking back at women in your life that have understood your charm, (forgive me if I'm mistaken that this has happened, I think you have been with someone(s) though... ) Do they have anything in common that you can see? Also is there anything else to be learned from looking back on the ruins of those relationships . . . ? As it will be through a different lens, at least somewhat . . . :roll: Finally I have figured out, or think I comprehend something about "what I did wrong" for lack of a better way of saying it, in former relationships. No exaggeration to say that in some cases, it has taken decades for me to see what really went down in certain interactions.

IMO there's not a cookie cutter approach to attracting women/ men that can be learned, at least to me [but then, I'm not typical . . . I have a zillion diagnoses, none of which include AS, but reading this forum I have realized AS is the diagnosis would stitch all the puzzle pieces together]. It seems to me that everyone would feel this way even if they are more "typical" though, so I'll just suggest it ~~ the guys I ended up getting together with are the ones who somehow got me to believe they were actually seeing the real me [whatever that might be], and were attracted to me because they understood who I really am, and I'm not saying these guys actually had any insight or did know me better than someone else. . . just that I believed they did. (Or, maybe it's that I was able to suspend my disbelief? Idk...)

Well, I guess I'm not someone to be giving advice on the Love & Dating board. :lol: Healthy relationships aren't exactly my specialty. The guys I spent the most time with were just generally successful with women, before and after being with me, not to mention they would have to be good at it if they were with me, because (and a lot of this is in retrospect) I was often completely clueless when it came to subtleties, feeling the waters, and so on ~ they would have to have been fairly adept, if their advances were noticeable by me haha :lol: Actually, I'm not sure if that's why the other women liked them. Oh wait, OK actually, one of my ex-boyfriends' other exes once said (wow lots of initial "o's" in that sentence so far, o's all around!) ummm oh yeah, that he (our mutual ex) was with a lot of different women (one at a time, over the years) but he always made whoever he was with feel like she was the most special one of them all. And I think he had a pretty basic approach that worked for him all the time. For what it's worth.....

He's just a really nice guy, he's of the "yes dear" variety for the most part. Does not get into battles, whether he's right or not. You know? I think it's a good strategy and I try to use it, especially with my toxic exes (the ones that are really bad for my health, but I have to deal with anyway).

So, I trust that answers your question, of whether or not it's possible to rent a girlfriend. :rendeer:


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21 Dec 2010, 4:00 am

Escort Services have that, it's called The Girlfriend Experience, the thing is, it costs a hell of a lot more than just buying normal escort services.


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22 Dec 2010, 12:12 am

dead on arrival?!