BrandonSP wrote:
I am fat. I actually was losing weight earlier this year, but ever since Thanksgiving I've gone back to eating too much. Although I resolve to eat less and exercise more this upcoming year, I don't think I'll lose enough weight to stop being fat by the end of 2011 unless I work out to death. I think that my obesity is scaring girls away. Making my problem worse is that I am not attracted to fat women at all. I want my woman to have a much healthier weight than I do, yet I've been told that fat people pair up better with other fat people. Is there any chance that a woman with a healthy weight will fall for me?
Most women don't care if a guy has a few extra pounds (15-20lbs) or even up to 40lbs overweight for older women, and I mean fat, not muscle. I also think a woman is less likely to have an issue if her boyfriend or husband gains weight later in the relationship. But I think you need to consider lifestyles, because on many occasions, weight differences are an indicator of lifestyle differences.
I have a friend who is overweight. When I met him, he weighed about 260lbs, he was over 300lbs at his highest, and now he's a little under 250lbs. One of the reasons he was heavy to begin with was he had no concept of good eating habits. He wouldn't gorge himself or eat bags of chips and cookies all day, but he thought it was ok to eat until one was full, and he didn't eat any vegetables except corn, which is very high in simple carbs.
An acceptable meal to him was 4 frozen burritos because that's how many he had to eat to feel full. But four frozen burritos has 1400 calories and 40 grams of fat. That's almost as many calories as I need per day, and more than half what he actually needs, yet this would be one of three meals for him. He started losing weight after I taught him about proper nutrition, and he also began skipping meals, which I DON'T advocate. He has now reached a plateau and probably won't lose any more weight because his diet was only part of the problem.
The other half is, he is incredibly adverse to any type of exorcise. His lifestyle is a sedentary one. He spends his time playing video games and watching movies. A day out for him consists of going to sit and watch a sports game.
So if he wants to date a super fit woman he is probably out of luck because she might want to go snow boarding, or skiing, kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, or all sorts of other physical activities that he either doesn't want to do, or is not in the right shape to do.
Your problem might be a little different. You stated you have a problem sticking to a healthy diet. Perhaps you are a compulsive overeater. Keep in mind, this does not mean your gorge youself like a pig, but only that you eat more than you actually need because you have a strong compulsion to do so. If this is the case, I'm not sure I'd be able to help you because the root of your problem is a compulsion. My friend was not a compulsive eater, he just didn't know proper nutrition and didn't get enough exercise.
But if you're not a compulsive eater, maybe I can help you.
In all honesty, in terms of losing weight, it really doesn't matter what you eat as long as you eat less calories than you need to maintain your current weight.
You could indeed lose weight eating Taco Bell every day. I know people who have done this.
But the purpose of most low calories diets is to get the diet low in calories while providing your body with the proper nutrients for all around health, so the individual is only calorie deficient, not nutrient deficient. So most low calorie diets also aim to be low in fat and cholesterol and also sufficient in vitamins, fiber, whole proteins and calcium.
These diets also tend to be aimed towards making the person not feel hungry. This is one reason one they stress vegetables, and to a lesser degree, fruits. These things have bulk and will make you feel more satisfied when eaten with a meal.
Another thing is, don't eat until you are full. Eat what you know to be a proper serving size your your caloric needs. Your body will adjust.