Ticker wrote:
As a female I am offended by a number of the posts. Laziness is not the sole cause of obesity. There are a number of illnesses and also medications that can cause weight gain. Its really interesting reading a lot of your whining posts how life is so unfair to Aspie guys. But some of you guys are just as bad with your prejudice against non-skinny, non-blondes as you claim NT girls are towards Aspie guys. It's no wonder some of you have never got LAID!
And now, from a distance of almost 3000 miles, and having never seen her, werbert the psychic will describe Ticker's physical appearance: Not skinny, and not blonde, and not attracted to men.
It is dispiriting to see people denigrated because of their physical appearance. Theoretically, it would be great to have a hot girlfriend, but, unless you have the name of a good plastic surgeon, looks fade, leaving only the personality to love.