chrissyrun wrote:
Since the girls can't ask . . .
What are you talking about?!? Sure they can!! ! I had a girl ask me to her senior prom when I was in college, actually (a freshman, I think). And that was two decades ago. Things have to be even freer for girls these days, I would think.
I actually hardly knew her and didn't have the faintest idea why she asked me. It was completely out of the blue. But, ultimately it didn't matter so I didn't ask. I just assumed that she felt safe with me and knew that I could handle being just a date for the evening. (Maybe I'm giving myself too much credit. The truth is that I was the only guy she knew who owned a tuxedo 'cause I was a musician ... LOL!) I didn't particularly want to go, TBH. (It wasn't my prom after all.) But, I was flattered that she asked and understood how important it was to her. So, of course I said yes. (This, BTW, is something that adult friends do for each other -- help them out of awkward social spots. It doesn't end at prom -- believe me. There's always going to be a work function or whatever that someone needs to bring a date to.)
Anyway, the entire thing was totally uneventful (at least for me). But, in retrospect, I'm really happy that she's not sitting around 20 years later saying she never went to her high school prom.
Chrissyrun, find someone to go with! (I'd go with you, but alas, at 39, I think my best prom days are far behind me!) Good luck!