Nim wrote:
RightGalaxy wrote:
If I were a guy, I wouldn't appreciate a woman who intitiates sex - I would not like that. When they initiate, it means that they're up to something selfish.
Or they could just find you attractive and want to be with you. Attraction works both ways you know. If they're being selfish then your being selfish...
I understand your point but why does their attraction have to be expressed "sexually"?
Why can't they just be happy basking in your wonderful character? That's why I am against referring to sex as love-making. Sex has nothing to do with love. It's lust. Lust clouds a lot of true feelings. Does a person want to hurry up and get it on because they want to see if you're good in bed or not? There's SO MUCH MORE to a relationship than doink, doink, doink!
So, if this guy sucks in bed, does that mean she won't want to investigate all the other stuff he has to give to a realtionship? A person can learn how to be good in bed. Would you go down on somebody when you don't know where they've been? When two people take the time and effort to get to know each other, they both know where they've been - and that answer is "together". A lot of girls and some guys too think that if they quickly jump in bed to show off their sexual prowess, they can
snag the partner for keeps. That doesn't work!! !! If all a person is good for is sex, that's not a relationship - it's just a f--k.