KGoebel89 wrote:
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I seen men like this pictures pair with girls. For example, my best friend who looks almost like you but different face.
You aren't ugly. You don't have to be like Brad Pitt to attract an opposite sex. You should get an ebook on attracting female and detecting attraction from female.
I get couple of girls (tall, around my height, and even older) that likes me but what shut down is that I never bother to A-S-K for phone number and a D-A-T-E (calendar, time, and place wise). They just walk away like butterfly if I didn't ask. I can also displayed lack of emotion that show them that I am interested and attracted to them. This is why most girls won't appear attracted to you because you didn't shows that you are attractive to them.
The fact is that I can have power to attract female and not even know that I can do it because that part of being Autistic.