Am I good enough for a good man?
I have a few pieces of that stone favorited on my Etsy account. I should actually buy one of those, they're so pretty and pink.

Synchronicities? Eh? You mean like coincidences and sh**?
So what! do you what your dream man to have negative parts? What you write using that method you will find that man will be match how you wrote about him. Yes sysnchronicities are concidences.
Like attracts Like its the law of attraction

I have a few pieces of that stone favorited on my Etsy account. I should actually buy one of those, they're so pretty and pink.

Synchronicities? Eh? You mean like coincidences and sh**?
So what! do you what your dream man to have negative parts? What you write using that method you will find that man will be match how you wrote about him. Yes sysnchronicities are concidences.
Like attracts Like its the law of attraction

But if he's too perfect, it'll seem too-good-to-be-true. Perfect people don't exist and creating that ideal will make dating much harder than it is already. Besides, I don't want to be like Stephanie Meyer and just write my wet dream on paper and get it published. Although published would be nice but I would prefer for it to be of good quality.
Fnord - I guess I mean one that will treat me well and makes me feel good about myself but also takes care of himself too. >.>
See the world as it is, not as you want it to be. To even have half a chance, you'll have to ditch all the feminist dogma you were force-fed in your youth. I do laugh when your feminist colleagues write article after article about how fat is sexy. Maybe in bizzaro world. You've made a good start by accepting that most men (exclusions being fat fetishists) do not find overweight women attractive - anyone who tells you otherwise is an idiot and should be ignored. Lose the weight and your options will multiply ten-fold. Good luck.
I'd be happy to dispel some other myths about men and relationships that women love to believe if I'm not banned for this post.
I have a few pieces of that stone favorited on my Etsy account. I should actually buy one of those, they're so pretty and pink.

Synchronicities? Eh? You mean like coincidences and sh**?
So what! do you what your dream man to have negative parts? What you write using that method you will find that man will be match how you wrote about him. Yes sysnchronicities are concidences.
Like attracts Like its the law of attraction

But if he's too perfect, it'll seem too-good-to-be-true. Perfect people don't exist and creating that ideal will make dating much harder than it is already. Besides, I don't want to be like Stephanie Meyer and just write my wet dream on paper and get it published. Although published would be nice but I would prefer for it to be of good quality. ...
Your the author just write the ideal man you what ok give him a few character flaws that your'll ok to deal with.


Joined: 17 Jul 2010
Age: 34
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Erisad I´d be very surprised if you were looking for a perfect male.
The other day for example I was talking to a friend about how we discuss things quite heavily frequently and she said that thats what keeps a relationship going. No relationship is going to be perfect and you are very likely to run accross some trouble so one of the qualities he should have is being able to discuss things openly, which isnt something a perfect man would do(the relationship would be so perfect you wouldnt need to discuss things(I think Im about to puke after writing that down)).
Besides theres nothing wrong with dreaming about an ideal partner(mary sue/gary stu) as long as you are able to realize that no real person is going to fit your standards perfectly and you should attempt to look for someone thats close enough to your ideals.
ps:you are misspelling stephenie meyer´s name(Yes I read twilight before the fan craze started.)
The other day for example I was talking to a friend about how we discuss things quite heavily frequently and she said that thats what keeps a relationship going. No relationship is going to be perfect and you are very likely to run accross some trouble so one of the qualities he should have is being able to discuss things openly, which isnt something a perfect man would do(the relationship would be so perfect you wouldnt need to discuss things(I think Im about to puke after writing that down)).
Besides theres nothing wrong with dreaming about an ideal partner(mary sue/gary stu) as long as you are able to realize that no real person is going to fit your standards perfectly and you should attempt to look for someone thats close enough to your ideals.
I feel like making an ideal would just be hurting myself and setting myself up for failure. >.<
P.S. I don't care if I'm spelling her name wrong, she's a horrible writer and endorses abusive relationships in teen novels for impressionable young girls.
lilypadfad - That's kind of what I've been doing. I've lost 30 pounds already, I want to lose at least 70 more and see where that goes.

Well I am a gorgeous woman and have had multiple guys approaching me all my life. Did that make it any easier to find Mr. Right?? Strangely, no. Although men find me attractive, they can't handle my emotional needs. That leads to a whole lot of dating and breaking up or being dumped. You'd think if you were skinny you could find a good man just like that, but it's not true. Now I am not saying that being hugely overweight is necessarily attractive; by all means go ahead and begin to get healthier, and you may even get more dates when you're smaller. But Mr. Right is just as elusive for attractive people as unattractive people. Getting hit on more by men does not equate to quality relationships.
However, feeling unattractive does contribute to lack of a social life because lack of confidence is a pretty strong date-deterrent. My best recommendation is to get a nice hairstyle and some up to date clothes. And realize that when men make degrading comments about your appearance, it is not about you but it is how that man normally approaches the world: negatively. Although I am good-looking, I have had experiences where certain men would love to point out any little flaws like stretch marks on my tummy or one memorable stupid comment from a certain person that my hair looked like a poodle (just because it was curly!). Also, my friend's ex-husband used to constantly call her "fat" although she was 5'6" and 108 lbs. Men with that "let's find something wrong with you and rub it in your face" mentality are not quality relationship material, and you can feel free to dump them as soon as possible.
Finding Mr. Right is almost like a numbers game or lottery. You have to meet some quite large number of men before both of you click. It would be beyond belief to suppose that you can stay home, never socialize, and magically some man will spot you and be attracted. I'm not saying that you are staying home and never socializing, but that isolation would hurt your chances more than any amount of fat or ugliness. Meanwhile, looking for love online is even harder because, as you have found out already, most people you begin conversing with seem to disappear. Just to put it into perspective, I personally received over 10,000 email replies to my online personal ad from men, before I found one I wanted to be with. That is a hell of a lot of rubbish to wade through for ONE positive hit. I believe this rate-of-return is fairly typical.
Therefore, it is logical to presume that your search will be intensive and time-consuming, but in no way will you ultimately fail unless you utterly give up. The point is to try to live a positive life outside of searching for a man, because this could take several years, and there is nothing more boring, pointless, or depressing than feeling woe-is-me constantly for years on end while you could have been doing something more productive and fun.
I think it's good you're trying to lose weight, I wish I had that strength, but I totally disagree with lilypadfad. Although yes, a lot of people only want to look at how people look I know for a fact that's not true for everyone. I know several people in my neighbourhood who have happy relations and are by far thin. The only good reason to lose weight is because it's better for your health.
Furthermore I want to say that you shouldn't give up, there are definitely good guys out there that would love to be with you and vice versa
I also think everyone is good enough for a relationship (except evil people perhaps).
However, feeling unattractive does contribute to lack of a social life because lack of confidence is a pretty strong date-deterrent. My best recommendation is to get a nice hairstyle and some up to date clothes. And realize that when men make degrading comments about your appearance, it is not about you but it is how that man normally approaches the world: negatively. Although I am good-looking, I have had experiences where certain men would love to point out any little flaws like stretch marks on my tummy or one memorable stupid comment from a certain person that my hair looked like a poodle (just because it was curly!). Also, my friend's ex-husband used to constantly call her "fat" although she was 5'6" and 108 lbs. Men with that "let's find something wrong with you and rub it in your face" mentality are not quality relationship material, and you can feel free to dump them as soon as possible.
Finding Mr. Right is almost like a numbers game or lottery. You have to meet some quite large number of men before both of you click. It would be beyond belief to suppose that you can stay home, never socialize, and magically some man will spot you and be attracted. I'm not saying that you are staying home and never socializing, but that isolation would hurt your chances more than any amount of fat or ugliness. Meanwhile, looking for love online is even harder because, as you have found out already, most people you begin conversing with seem to disappear. Just to put it into perspective, I personally received over 10,000 email replies to my online personal ad from men, before I found one I wanted to be with. That is a hell of a lot of rubbish to wade through for ONE positive hit. I believe this rate-of-return is fairly typical.
Therefore, it is logical to presume that your search will be intensive and time-consuming, but in no way will you ultimately fail unless you utterly give up. The point is to try to live a positive life outside of searching for a man, because this could take several years, and there is nothing more boring, pointless, or depressing than feeling woe-is-me constantly for years on end while you could have been doing something more productive and fun.
Well, I don't socialize much at home because I never get out of the f*****g house. I don't have many friends back home as almost everyone in high school hated me. I only have like one or two friends that live an hour away from me. I can't drive so I have to wait until they can come see me. So everytime I'm out in public, I'm with my mom and grandma and no guy is going to approach a girl with her family. So online dating is really my only choice as my conservative family will scare them away. D:
But if I'm thinner, it'll be easier to get people to want to get to know me. As I am now, they assume that I'm a lazy and stupid person because I'm fat when I'm not.

hadrian_f - I somehow am skeptical. The men in my area are either hicks or playes or sometimes both. Most of the better men are already married or attached to a girl who's better than me in every way. I hate small country towns. They suck and are boring as heeeeeeell.
Is there a practical reason why you can't drive or learn to drive?
I agree that living in a rural setting or very small town, with no way to get around, will severely limit your social prospects. Both in terms of dating men, and more importantly in every other way.
What if a man was seriously interested in you? How would that work, on a practical level?
Would he have to drive to your house to pick you up for every single date? Would your conservative family "allow" you to stay overnight at his house, or even visit him for a week or two? Assuming that he will not be one of the local men and would have to presumably drive some large distance to come get you.
If you're not mobile, in a remote area, and if your family won't let you visit a man even if he picked you up and paid for a hotel room, then even a very interested man may find those barriers very difficult to work around. This makes you very nearly a prisoner. From my experience, it also tends to lead to the "imprisoned" person making rather hasty decisions to move in together if the man offers it, because it offers a very attractive escape on the one hand, and because they fear the man will lose interest in the difficulty of continuing to date long-distance on the other hand.
I agree that living in a rural setting or very small town, with no way to get around, will severely limit your social prospects. Both in terms of dating men, and more importantly in every other way.
What if a man was seriously interested in you? How would that work, on a practical level?
Would he have to drive to your house to pick you up for every single date? Would your conservative family "allow" you to stay overnight at his house, or even visit him for a week or two? Assuming that he will not be one of the local men and would have to presumably drive some large distance to come get you.
If you're not mobile, in a remote area, and if your family won't let you visit a man even if he picked you up and paid for a hotel room, then even a very interested man may find those barriers very difficult to work around. This makes you very nearly a prisoner. From my experience, it also tends to lead to the "imprisoned" person making rather hasty decisions to move in together if the man offers it, because it offers a very attractive escape on the one hand, and because they fear the man will lose interest in the difficulty of continuing to date long-distance on the other hand.
Mom won't teach me and we're saving up for driving school, although I don't think she wants me driving at all. There's no public transportation in my area. Even if I had a license, I don't have a car and they're really expensive. I don't have a steady income. I'm a blogger for f***s sake. It's impossible for me at this point. I think my family did this on purpose to make sure that I'll always be dependent on them. :/
Of course you are
and please don't listen to that BS about drawing up your perfect man, no man is perfect, no woman is perfect. We all have flaws, and what I'd find very important in a partner is her ability to support me in dealing with my flaws or maybe even appreciating me for my imperfections.
Now, you want a Mr. Right and unfortunately I don't believe there's that many fairy tale knights left in the world but what I can probably surmice is that they have plenty of options. So what you'll probably find happening is them having the option between you, and someone of similar personal value but with a better body. This will especially be true if you're looking at a place like OkCupid which like all dating sites is such a bloody meatmarket. (And if some of you think looks shouldn't matter, great for you! I just don't feel like waking up next to Jabba the Hut no matter how much her personality is like Mother Theresa)
Have you considered looking for a overweight guy? He could be perfectly awesome and sweet guy, just with weight issues. Pretty much a male version of you from what I gather? Furthermore you'd even have your weightstruggles in common.
Anyway, I absolutely applaud your attempts at losing weight, it's gonna be great for your health and your confidence. and I know this can be hard, I'm working on building muscles so I don't keep looking like a freaking stick-man, but somehow it's going too slowly for me to fathom
In the meantime, keep at it. No matter how many ideals we get throw in our faces through media etc. beauty is still in the eye of the beholder
"Quantum mechanics teaches us that anything can happen at any time for no reason, also eat plenty of oatmeal, and animals never had a war"
and please don't listen to that BS about drawing up your perfect man, no man is perfect, no woman is perfect. We all have flaws, and what I'd find very important in a partner is her ability to support me in dealing with my flaws or maybe even appreciating me for my imperfections.
Now, you want a Mr. Right and unfortunately I don't believe there's that many fairy tale knights left in the world but what I can probably surmice is that they have plenty of options. So what you'll probably find happening is them having the option between you, and someone of similar personal value but with a better body. This will especially be true if you're looking at a place like OkCupid which like all dating sites is such a bloody meatmarket. (And if some of you think looks shouldn't matter, great for you! I just don't feel like waking up next to Jabba the Hut no matter how much her personality is like Mother Theresa)
Have you considered looking for a overweight guy? He could be perfectly awesome and sweet guy, just with weight issues. Pretty much a male version of you from what I gather? Furthermore you'd even have your weightstruggles in common.
Anyway, I absolutely applaud your attempts at losing weight, it's gonna be great for your health and your confidence. and I know this can be hard, I'm working on building muscles so I don't keep looking like a freaking stick-man, but somehow it's going too slowly for me to fathom

In the meantime, keep at it. No matter how many ideals we get throw in our faces through media etc. beauty is still in the eye of the beholder

um...this guy is overweight. He's 30 pounds more. I thought he was the male version of me but I guess not. The last two guys were heavier than me but still overly abusive and difficult about my appearance. D:
Well I don't really care if those guys are 100 pounds or 400 pounds, they kinda acted like jerks. But unfortunately that's the game of these dating sites, everyone's trying to do "the best they can do" and that happens on a very shallow basis.
I didn't mean to suggest you didn't deserve a guy who's good looking btw, merely that a guy with similar weight issues would actually have a better basis for understanding part of what makes you, you
"Quantum mechanics teaches us that anything can happen at any time for no reason, also eat plenty of oatmeal, and animals never had a war"
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