You just note it and move on
Zen has a point, it's not worth feeling bad over. The chances are it was probably a really dumb off the cuff comment that the guy in question is either thinking "gosh that was a dumb thing to say" or kinda blissfully was off nattering along in his own self flatulance.
conceited much. thankfully i reckon this is a more female thing to do. if i think someone thinks i fancy them (you following?) i get really embarassed and go red; even if i don't at all. which of course probably confirms in their mind what they thought they knew all along.
(i don't know why i hate people thinking i fancy them btw Confused . maybe it stems from the school playground where 'youu likee daniell' etc used to be an taunt of sorts. *slips onto psych couch*)
but yeah, maybe that's why they do it, more of a defence mechanism than a vain assumption.
The way I would relate to that is I hated being the centre of attention and I still do now to some degree. And I think its a feeling that your inner most thoughts are being exposed or you feel somewhat vulnerable in that situation. But I tend to only think of such things in the aftermath of such a conversation or encounter and then I have that horrid sink of the stomach feeling when i realise i most likely made an absolutle dick of myself in the process.
I had one such situation on saturday night, oh god even thinking about it makes me cringe *face palms self*
Anyway, I find it confusing how people can list such specific types. i could list things i find attractive, but i don't think that would be particularly exclusive.
I think you need a "whole package" not individual components IMO.
"Tall people can be recognized by three things: generosity in the design, humanity in the execution and moderation in success"