Personally I find that no matter what if your single or in a relationship your still in a relationship.
Now please bear with me with my crazy thinking, am a maverick now from a family of mavericks
We have an relationship with ourselves now, that knowledge breaks the illusion of being single and being alone! This self friendship is
the key factor IHMO to all social interactions we have in life.
Me as my best friend sometimes get on great with me as I, tho theres times that I and my best friend self can be the worst of enemies at times. Hell yer, its not perfect I still keep working on the relationship I have with myself. As that same personal relationship we have with ourselves helps with the other relationships we have with others.
Plato once said
know thyself, I say
be a friend to thyself, show loving kindness to thyself and take thyself out on a date!The only person in the whole world you can change is you! When you make changes then other people start to change the way they relate to you!
SO please remember this fact your always in a relationship is your relationship with yourself!!
you sound like the crazyman who preaches outside my local shopping precinct