Shadowgirl wrote:
gnulinuxman wrote:
LePetitPrince wrote:
u may turn to heterosexual .....
in fact you both heterosexual in denial ....let me clarify : why you picked an "asexual" girl and not an "asexual" guy?why you loved a girl and not guy? Then you both have hidden heterosexual feelings ...and please don't understand me wrong i mean that as seomthing good
good luck for you both
AVEN will help you understand this better. I know you weren't trying to be mean, but please check out AVEN and read up on asexuality. We could get sexual, but it's not something we expect.
and the chances are 0 to none.
TheMachine1 wrote:
I'm curious about this kinda relationship to. Like mine and Werbert's joking post
(we know what asexual means) seem to not get any LOL (what we live for!) which got
me thinking do you two enjoy humor?
Uh, your posts weren't very funny...
Maybe you guys live for sex, but Shadowgirl and I don't.
DirtDawg wrote:
This is great! I wish you two the best.
Certainly, your freedom from one major source of potential problems, anxiety, insecurity and jealousy from your relationship should give you a better than average chance of success.
Good luck!
TheBladeRoden wrote:
Man, she's asexual? Good thing I didn't hook up with her then.
You have one sick mind if you'd honestly admit that...
subatai_baadur wrote:
I can't believe that you got an aspie girl and are staying asexual. That's like hitting Golconda and saying that you're morally against mining.
I never said sex was immoral. I just don't want any for myself. I prefer to get intimate in other ways.
lastwish wrote:
i dont consider my self asexual at all, but i would rather be in a relationship with a girl and not getting any than alone and not getting any.
Well, asexuals don't desire sex. We just don't have the cravings.
TheMachine1 wrote:
I agree with that. But It would be a formula for sadness if we (me and you) did hook up
with an asexual girl and we wanted a closer relationship later. In other words it might
be better to be alone.
Sex doesn't necessarily mean a closer relationship. Look how many sexual marriages end in divorce, for example.