solution :
1- Go to gym , make mucles and if you don't have already a good sense of humor then try to be funnier with women ....muscles , hair style , strong arms , car --> all these things will give you more and more confidence. And if you are good in some sport game go and join some club of this specific sport , if you'r not then go more to gym. YOU have at least a bit SEXY to get a girl.
2-Stop being the "I am a nice honest friend to you
" attitude with women but be " I am a confident man who wants you all of you
" ' attitude ---> not that the second attitude won't work if you are unattractive so you need to make the step 1 first before this
I know that It might sound sooo shallow ....but try to prove me wrong !
Doesn't sound shallow to me. It's also good advice for reasons beyond attracting women.