nick007 wrote:
curlyfry wrote:
If you have people IRL to vent to great. Some do not. No one should be discouraged from expressing themselves as long as it is within forum rules. It is good that others are here to openly share experiences and gain different perspectives which hopefully will help us better understand the environments and or situations we might encounter.
Also Why is it that when an NT woman makes a post talking about the problems she has with her Aspie guy; members are sympathetic to her but when an Aspie guy makes a post about the problems he faces trying to get dates with women; it's considered complaining

That's not always the case. If an NT woman is trying to save her relationship, then I'm usually happy to attempt to help her provided I do not get the sense that she married him or started dating him knowing how he was, with the intention of trying to change him, however if I feel she knowingly married a man she is incompatible with, I point that out to her.
If a man with AS is talking about a problem they have with dating that pertains to themselves, or how to navigate a situation, or difficulty he might be having with his wife (provided I do not get the impression that he married a woman he is incompatible with), I am again, happy to try to help. However if he comes in here simply bashing, slandering, and attacking women, and making false claims, I take issue with it.
I'm willing to help those who are attempting to make positive changes in their lives or expand their social understanding, within reason. I'm not willing to help those who are seething with hate or are frustrated because they cannot mold a person into someone they want them to be. I won't, and I couldn't possibly because they're beyond help.