AsteroidNap wrote:
There's a fine line between pursuing and stalking
I used to be obsessive in my younger years....and then I went through the phase where your friends tell you 'don't try so hard, and love will come naturally'. Well, for an Aspie, that is poor advice. I don't blame them as neither they nor I knew of my AS at the time. But it was a lost decade for me with regard to romance, as 'don't try so hard' just means my AS made me invisible.
I guess the same happened to me...
But things turned around when I began pursuing again, but in a more honest way. Putting myself out there, working on my issues, growing as a person, finding the right sort of women for me to pursue.
...but I'm still working on that part,
Now don't get me wrong, this is all relative...when I say things turned around, I mean I went from like 4 or 5 potential interests over ten years to meeting 5 in one year. And that change wasn't because I followed the mantra of 'don't try so hard'.
That's the sort of advice that actually helps.
KWifler wrote:
OP your scenario seems to me like a classic romance novel. I think what many of us don't realize is that there are many subtle signs that she really is into him, but she is playing hard to get to test him. He can read these signals and knows to continue to pursue if he has the stamina for such a courtship ritual. This assures her that he will be a partner with sufficient drive to succeed in life even if he isn't successful yet.
The problem is just "reading those signals"...
For a shy person there are only two ways to get a relationship. Being set-up and pursued, or wading through large groups of people, waiting.
You can increase your chances of a relationship by a thousand if you just strike up a conversation with someone. If they are the type of person you like, get more serious.
I'm not shy, but I never stop shaking around a person for a week straight until I'm comfortable, and I have to take an hour nap after a short drive. It's pretty much the same thing as being shy. You need to have a great support base of family or friends who push you into meeting people. I don't have that.
Yeah, me neither, unfortunately. And I don't blame them for that, my friends and family by now have their own families to care about...
The alternative is to constantly wander around staring the attractive-others directly in the eyes as you pass, while maintaining a collision free path ahead of you. It dares them to approach you. If the other person thinks you're a creep, nothing usually comes of it, painless and risk free dating advice.
Looks that (almost?) everyone thinks I'm a creep, unfortunately...