lilypadfad wrote:
These two sum up what I've been saying many, many times, that is the "heart" of the problem. These explain why in male-female friendships, for instance, it is usually the male who grows attracted, and also why the "women have it easier" threads generate so much controversy.
Basically, if I like a girl personally, I am very likely to find her at least mildly sexually attractive, not like the 9s and 10s (unless she's also unusually pretty, on top of my attraction to her personally), but enough that in many cases I'd gladly accept an offer of sex, and possibly even request one.
This simple fact seems cryptic to the average woman, for whom the "friends threshold" is considerably lower than the sexual attraction threshold, and also may be in a different "place", i.e. depending on different characteristics. They assume that I
must be lying somehow when I describe this, that I must somehow be only imagining or remembering the "hot cheerleaders" among my female friends, and disregarding the average women.
About the "which have it worse" thread, it seems almost definitive that the average woman could get dates with a greater fraction of the male population, than the average man could get of the female population. But if you re-scale these to the shaded areas in those graphs, then it may be equal, or slightly in men's favor--and that's all women see.
There's also the question of how much of these graphs are in the "eye of the beholder", and how many of them are in the population being judged. I've heard women say that they feel every woman is pretty/beautiful in some way, but I have NEVER heard them say this about guys.