ToadOfSteel wrote:
If you look at romeo and juliet from an objective sense, it's actually kind of creepy. Most of shakespeare's work is...
That's because you haven't read it in the original Klingon.
As for not being able to live without her . . .
First, Romeo and Juliet isn't about unrequited love. Try 12th Night. Not that anyone does productions of it anymore (unfortunately for you, King Lear seems to be en vogue for Shakespeareans in the early 21st Century). Had R&J been about unrequited love there would have been one, maybe two deaths in the play.
Have you considered the Jane Eyre approach? Maybe her beau is a psycho and you just need to wait for him to go off the deep end.
Second, get a grip and grow up. You took your shot -- and you fired off the big guns and called in the bombers when you went with "marry me" -- and the fact is she said no. So, unless you're gonna dig a pit and go all Buffalo Bill on her (in which case, get started), there is no remaining play left.
Seriously. You're at the point where kidnapping is the only remaining option. And that's a bad idea. And illegal. And also, unless she's in the small minority of women with major rape fantasies, it's probably not going to make her happy at all.
That's where you're at.
Your options are:
1. Do nothing. Write bad poetry about unrequited love -- that's an add-on and not required.
2. Grow up. (Recommended.)
3. Kidnap her and throw her in a pit. Make sure "it puts the lotion on". (Not legal. Not advised.)
4. Good-bye cruel world. (Not advised, but as a libertarian I'd never tell you outright to not do it.)
Anything else is just being histrionic.
Take a look at the list. Growing up is the only viable option.