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Blue Jay
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25 Sep 2011, 4:59 pm

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I thought it was all joke, do any sane men do those things?

Actually, it's called human interaction. And at least 90% of the text make perfect sense to me. It's a logical breakdown (kinda funny how people whine about that while being supposedly 'aspie'...) of human behaviour patterns. And for me. it's quite interesting because I have to deal with sensory issues, depression, anxiety and all that AS-bullsh** instead of being able to 'socialize' intuitively.
I'm too lazy right now to write stuff about the whole thing, so let's just say most points in the links just point out the fact that in a relationship both persons should be on the same level of worth. And that might be hard to understand if you struggle with social interaction on a constant basis preventing you from having the ability to pretty much choose your mating interest from a number of alternatives instead of hoping 'the one' will magically appear and save you from all your pain thus 'being better than you'.
And from a purely emotional point of view, I understand all that because my life is no different.
It's not like no girl is attracted to me, I just can't deal with the cues, signs and unwritten rules of it.
Some of them make sense to me, others dont. Which doesnt change the fact that they exist and I have to accept that even though it's too much for me at times.
And many things mentioned in the link are actually pretty natural for me, but my lack of nonverbal skills make my look like a complete douchebag in the process. That's on me, not them!

Also, I'm kinda curious: Why do you think the article is a joke?


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25 Sep 2011, 5:18 pm

mango_prom wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
I thought it was all joke, do any sane men do those things?

Actually, it's called human interaction. And at least 90% of the text make perfect sense to me. It's a logical breakdown (kinda funny how people whine about that while being supposedly 'aspie'...) of human behaviour patterns. And for me. it's quite interesting because I have to deal with sensory issues, depression, anxiety and all that AS-bullsh** instead of being able to 'socialize' intuitively.
I'm too lazy right now to write stuff about the whole thing, so let's just say most points in the links just point out the fact that in a relationship both persons should be on the same level of worth. And that might be hard to understand if you struggle with social interaction on a constant basis preventing you from having the ability to pretty much choose your mating interest from a number of alternatives instead of hoping 'the one' will magically appear and save you from all your pain thus 'being better than you'.
And from a purely emotional point of view, I understand all that because my life is no different.
It's not like no girl is attracted to me, I just can't deal with the cues, signs and unwritten rules of it.
Some of them make sense to me, others dont. Which doesnt change the fact that they exist and I have to accept that even though it's too much for me at times.
And many things mentioned in the link are actually pretty natural for me, but my lack of nonverbal skills make my look like a complete douchebag in the process. That's on me, not them!

Also, I'm kinda curious: Why do you think the article is a joke?

No, I mean do any men do those things to the exaggerated degree listed there. I am agreeing with hyper on this one.
Besides, some things listed there are normal things, I see nothing wrong about them, they don't need to be anti-"game" or whatever.

So I understand that this as the 'not to do list in order to appear alpha'.

Blue Jay
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25 Sep 2011, 5:30 pm

I agree that if you act like the article states exclusively it would make you pretty pathetic. But most stuff makes sense, at least to me. And to a certain degree I also agree with hyperlexian, which is more a matter of mindset where you show some degree of appreciation for your partner. And I think you can have such a mindset while acting like the article states. It's no contradiction I think. Totally get your point though.


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25 Sep 2011, 5:38 pm

If there's any chance that game and anti-game could mix to form a black hole I'm hoping that experiment doesn't happen at any club near me.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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25 Sep 2011, 5:40 pm

mango_prom wrote:
I agree that if you act like the article states exclusively it would make you pretty pathetic. But most stuff makes sense, at least to me. And to a certain degree I also agree with hyperlexian, which is more a matter of mindset where you show some degree of appreciation for your partner. And I think you can have such a mindset while acting like the article states. It's no contradiction I think. Totally get your point though.

hmm, by pathetic do you mean too nice?

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25 Sep 2011, 5:54 pm

Nah, actually I meant the original link to the anti-game article. 'Pathetic' meaning just being an a**hole for no reason. Like I said it might depend on the mindset.


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25 Sep 2011, 6:55 pm

RICKY5 wrote:
Constantly remind her how happy you are to be with her.

It depends on what you mean by "constantly". Every 10 minutes would be annoying. Every other day wouldn't be.

Laugh at your own jokes.

I don't mind this. Some people do it. Some people prefer a more deadpan style. Either one is fine.

Laugh uproariously at her “jokes”.

What if her "jokes" are actually jokes and are actually funny?

Feed her need for gossip.

I agree.
Put up with her sh** an order of magnitude more frequently than she puts up with your sh**.

Here I guess it depends on what exactly is being defined as sh**. I have always lived by the policy of cutting others slack so they will cut slack for me (either gender) and it has worked out well in all relationships from familial to romantic to preofessional. I don't know how that intersects with yours (which I realize is meant to be tongue in cheek).

Ask yes or no or one-word answer type questions.

That would be a problem if it was 100% of the conversation. But trying to make it 0% of the conversation is distracting and uneccesary.

Act contrite when she catches you checking out her body.

This is quite variable. Of course it is anti-game. But it's also one of those things for which there isn't a hard-cut rule that no man should ever do it or every man should always do it. It's entirely situational.

Stare, look away, stare, look away, stare, look away.

Nothing wrong with that.

Ask her if she has a condom.

It depends on the woman. Some will be annoyed that you weren't prepared. ZSome will be flattered that you didn't (seemingly) intend from the start to have sex. The problem with Game is its' insistence that there is a one-size-fits-all way to interact with women and all women will react exactl the same to specific input. This is an example of where there is guarenteed to be variability.

Cuddle her so long that she is the one to first start wriggling free.

That would be annoying, agreed.

Hold in farts around her until your colon bursts. (LTR applicable only.)

Is that actually anti-Game? I bet Mysterioso (or whatever his name is) doesn't fart around the women he's trying to pick up.
Fidget, talk fast, mumble, lean in, babble tiresomely like a girl who has a heavy emotional burden to unload.

Some women find it endearing. Some find it annoying.

Talk incessantly about the state of the relationship.


Whine about how hard life is.

Agreed. That is exceptionally boring and annoying.

Betray too much enthusiasm when she tells you about something cool she did.

This may be anti-Game but why??? Do they actually advise men against doing this?

Act impressed with her educational credentials or career success.

Again, why?
Sympathize with her bitching about badboy exes.

Agreed. Talking about exes in any way on a date or while working towards a date is a bad idea.

Agree to her tacit sex timetable. (A woman is capable of making you wait for months absent any masculine push on your part. Ironically, this very acquiescence to her female sensibility will turn her off to sex with you.)

Did they just advocate rape?

Get wrathfully jealous every time she checks out a dude or talks about another guy.

I wouldn't advise getting wrathfully anything. Wrath is generally a bad idea.

Spitefully berate her genuine accomplishments.

Agreed. But then why is it also advised to not be impressed by them? Are they advocating being oblivious to them?

Say crap like “I don’t deserve you” with sincerity.

Agreed. No man should try to talk a woman out of dating him. He'll eventually succeed.
Be a kitchen b***h.

I don't know what that is. This must be modern slang that I am too old to get. Men and women haven't changed but slang sure has.
Drop everything you like to do to do everything she likes to do. (Man, I know a lot of guys like this. Sickening.)

Agreed. It's a bad idea and unsustainable for a LTR. I think my husband would go insane if he actually gave up the things he loves that I have no interest in. Luckily he never tried to do that.
Wanly smile when she denigrates you to her friends.

Agreed. Nobody wants to be denigrated and it's a mean thing to do. Objecting to that is a good thing.

Make videos like this. (Suffice to say, this nauseating beta dweeb did not win his ex back, muscles and looks to the contrary notwithstanding.)

No link but it's probably a terrible video.

Resort to saying “I suppose you’re right” every time she accuses you of some character defect.


Constantly, and insipidly, ask her if she “likes it this way” during lovemaking.

Agreed, but only because of the "constantly and insipidly" part. Never asking at all isn't a good idea either.
Forget the art of plain old f***ing.

Turn to face her fully as soon as you open a girl. Stay that way while she continues giving you her profile.

Buying girls drinks as a MEANS OF OPENING THEM.

Again with the "opening a girl" phrase. This must be some Game slang I'm not familiar with. Makes no sense.

Muck up cold reads until they sound like interrogations.

I don't know what a cold read is but I agree that nobody likes to be interrogated.
Show up more than five minutes early for dates. (She doesn’t have to know about this, but it will be written all over your body language.)

Is there a rule? Ok, whatever.
Go for the night-ending kiss, get denied, follow up by shouting at her as she’s leaving that you’ll call her. Make it a promise.


Skip on the way home after a “successful” date that did not end in sex.

Does this mean they otherwise advocate skipping? Ok. That's fun. But a date can be skip-worthily succesful without sex.
Apologize for infractions she has not even accused you of.


Support feminism. Make a big show of it.

Agreed only if you're faking it for show. If it's genuine support rather than faked, that's fine.
Ingratiate yourself to her. (Example: “Porn is disgusting. I’d never watch it.”)

A bad idea if it's a lie. A good idea if it's true.

Know a little too much about the TV wasteland, articles in the Style section of any major newspaper, or women’s fashion.

Is this so she won't wonder if you are gay? If you actually aren't gay, it shouldn't be a problem.
Make breakfast for her after the first night together. (She has not yet earned your LTR provisions. Buying her breakfast at the local deli is OK.)

No such rule.
Deprecate yourself for cheap laughs and conversation fuel. (As an example of the handicap principle in action, self-deprecation is acceptable in small — very small — doses.)

Agreed. Too much self-deprecation slides easily into whining.

Follow her from bar to bar.

Very much agreed. That's stalking! So Game is anti-stalking. That's good.
Join her plans instead of inviting her to join your plans.

Instead? How about taking turns with plans?

Agree to meet her friends before you have sexed her. (Note: this can be pulled off if you have very high value or tight game, and you are certain sex is an eventual given.)

I am too weirded out by the phrase "have sexed her" in place of "had sex with her" to think of a good comment.
Wait in the exact same spot for her to return after she has told you she’ll be gone for ten minutes. Talk to no one while waiting.

That's a rule? Why?

Pine over, or disparage, your ex on a first date.

Agreed. No talk of exes.

]Listen to her intently when she talks about her exes.

Agreed. No talk of exes from either of you.
]Always follow her conversational lead. Never veer off the path she lays out, or start your own path.

Agreed. It's boring.
Touch her hair too soon.

And what constitutes "too soon" is quite variable.
Sit with your legs crossed. (Acceptable only if you are an office executive.)

A pass for office executives? Why?
Sweat profusely from anything other than vigorous exercise, sex or fighting.

I don't care how cool a cat you are, iof it's muggy and 95, you will sweat profusely. And that's ok.

[/quote]Eagerly say yes to every one of her requests. (“No” is a powerful male attractant. The mere utterance of it can electrify vulvae.)
I would say instead that you should say "no" to something you really don't want to do merely because you really don't want to do it. However, it isn't an aphrodisiac. It's just a way to not do things you hate.

Be hopelessly indecisive.

Fail every sh** test in spectacular fashion. (Example: vehemently deny you are the thing she says you are.)

"sh** test" is a Game fiction. There isn't actually any such thing.

Pick your nose and wipe the booger on her forehead. (Save this for the six month mark, at which point she’ll be too invested to do anything more than feebly complain.)

No, that's ok. You can do that anytime. :wink: