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19 Sep 2006, 4:31 am

TheMachine1 wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
I have heard the term "friend with benefits". What does this mean?


Sexual relationship without the strings of a typical romantic relationship. I guess
some would call it a typical man and a slut hooking up.


You would not want to goto UT austin even if you could. Its a hard weed out school,
big class sizes and you would likely drop out.

I thought a friend with benefits was a opposite-sex platonic friend with whom one has sex with.


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19 Sep 2006, 8:48 pm

MrMark wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
There are no single Aspie women in any of these places who are willing to go out with me. And there are no single Aspie women who are willing to do a long-distance relationship. And I am convinced that I am the one doing something wrong. What am I doing wrong? What could be the reason that Aspie women don't want to date me?

Why are you so sure there are no single Aspie women in any of these places that are willing to go out with you. How do you know there are no single Aspie women who are willing to do a long-distance relationship? It may be that you're doing nothing wrong. It may only by that you try too hard, that you're too goal oriented. Maybe before you try having a girlfriend, you should try having friends. Maybe the reason Aspie women don't want to date you is that Aspie women don't want to date. When you get to college, hold your head up, smile, and say hi. Lots of NTs will find you fascinating because you're different.

I am basing this on the fact that nobody has answered my ad on Aspie Affection. Also, I can't find any Aspie women on Wrong Planet, or any other online Aspie group, who live anywhere in the state of Texas. And work and school interfere with me attending local Aspie support groups. I replied to one woman's ad in Aspie Affection, who I had a possible interest in, but she never replied. And I was careful never to sound desparate. But still no one is interested.


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19 Sep 2006, 9:19 pm

Number are estimates.

USA 300 million

Aspie females 1/166 (ASD and 1/4 of them females)*
The 1/4 * 1/166 is a high number its likely smaller

300 *(1/166) * (1/4) = 451,000 aspie females in the US

Age range for Tim_tex
(18-30) about 15 %
.15 * 451,000 = 68,000 aspie females 18-30 in the US

Aspie women that have seen Aspie affection (If its 100 I would be amazed!)

so thats 68,000 / 100 = 1 in 680 aspie women saw your aspie ad!

Aspie women on WP the active number regardless of the membership numbers is a
few hundred at most. Again you have exposed yourself to less than 1 % of
aspie women.

How many of those women on WP said they are single and looking ? Hell I can only
think of a few CockneyRebel (likely to old for you and not a bean pole you requested,
JulieKitty to old for you) Thats about it. The rest have boyfriends, husband or are

To give up based on what you been able to find on WP or Aspie affection is just
an unimformed position.

What about myspace? Oh a warning about that is your search string will result in
a large number of phoney profiles trying to get you to view their webcams .
I fear you will not beable to read between the lines, but anyway just me doing
random searches on myspace I can find women I like and I bet I would have a chance

Oh Tim regardless what you may think I bet no one has ever found a girlfriend on
WP or Aspie affection so keep that in mind.

20 Sep 2006, 12:24 am

Tim_Tex wrote:
Which would be easier to find:

a) another Aspie (with or without diagnosis)

or b) an NT who meets the following criteria:

--is skinny and has at least a 34C chest
--has similar interests as me
--believes in premarital sex (I am socially liberal)
--will stay with me no matter what
--will see past me not making a certain amount of money


I go with b because you shouldn't limit yourself to who you meet. Go after women who have common interests as you and that are right for you. You will meet lot of women and none of them will be right until you finally meet the right one. That's how relationships work.


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20 Sep 2006, 3:50 am

TheMachine1 wrote:
Number are estimates.

USA 300 million

Aspie females 1/166 (ASD and 1/4 of them females)*
The 1/4 * 1/166 is a high number its likely smaller

300 *(1/166) * (1/4) = 451,000 aspie females in the US

Age range for Tim_tex
(18-30) about 15 %
.15 * 451,000 = 68,000 aspie females 18-30 in the US

Aspie women that have seen Aspie affection (If its 100 I would be amazed!)

so thats 68,000 / 100 = 1 in 680 aspie women saw your aspie ad!

Aspie women on WP the active number regardless of the membership numbers is a
few hundred at most. Again you have exposed yourself to less than 1 % of
aspie women.

How many of those women on WP said they are single and looking ? Hell I can only
think of a few CockneyRebel (likely to old for you and not a bean pole you requested,
JulieKitty to old for you) Thats about it. The rest have boyfriends, husband or are

To give up based on what you been able to find on WP or Aspie affection is just
an unimformed position.

What about myspace? Oh a warning about that is your search string will result in
a large number of phoney profiles trying to get you to view their webcams .
I fear you will not beable to read between the lines, but anyway just me doing
random searches on myspace I can find women I like and I bet I would have a chance

Oh Tim regardless what you may think I bet no one has ever found a girlfriend on
WP or Aspie affection so keep that in mind.

So how do I find Aspie women to date, then?


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20 Sep 2006, 4:58 am

likedcalico wrote:
Tim_Tex wrote:
Which would be easier to find:

a) another Aspie (with or without diagnosis)

or b) an NT who meets the following criteria:

--is skinny and has at least a 34C chest
--has similar interests as me
--believes in premarital sex (I am socially liberal)
--will stay with me no matter what
--will see past me not making a certain amount of money


I go with b because you shouldn't limit yourself to who you meet. Go after women who have common interests as you and that are right for you. You will meet lot of women and none of them will be right until you finally meet the right one. That's how relationships work.

How do I know if someone is the right one?


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20 Sep 2006, 5:37 am

Oh a quick thought Tim I notice you up late often. I hope your get your sleeping
pattern stable for school. I took sleeping pills my first year of college. So you might try

I think you will be amazed when you get to college the number of women you will meet.

The trick is you need to put yourself in a place where you will see the same women often.
Goto all the events the school holds, housing assocaition holds, join various groups
student services, ethnic, religious, science clubs, etc.


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20 Sep 2006, 5:30 pm

Finding a woman (aspie or NT) who lives in Idaho, has a 34C chest, has similar interests as me, believes in premarital sex, and will stay with me regardless of how much money I make will be nealry impossible. This is because there are no aspie women there, the NTs are shallow, and Idaho is very conservative--so premarital sex is out of the question.

I would prefer sex on the third date, but that will not happen in a state as conservative as Idaho.

Here are my interests: animated sitcoms, foreign languages, foreign films, independent films, the fine arts, contemporary art, geology, exercisse, running, aerobics, weight lifting, reading, and writing.

A prospective mate does not have to have all these interests. I would be content if she only had one of these in common with me.


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20 Sep 2006, 5:38 pm

Choose the school that will most benefit you, career-wise.

Once there, look around the hard science majors, engineering majors, computer science majors, art majors, music majors, and psychology majors for chicks. Look also in any gaming clubs that might be in the area for chicks. They might not be dx Aspie, but at least one will still probably have the personality characteristics you're looking for.


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20 Sep 2006, 5:48 pm

I might check to see how Boise is set as far as movies that play foreign films, art museums, art-house lifestyle, etc. But as I just mentioned, Idaho is a very conservative state (ironic because of the fact that at least three of the most powerful people in Houston are evangelical preachers--and that I was finding Houston to be a socially repressive place because of this). If a woman is willing to do a 400-mile distance relationship, I might be able to swing by Seattle every other weekend and have a relationship with someone there. I am quite flexible in terms of distance--especially since the Boise metro area is about 300,000 people (compared to Houston having over 4 million)


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20 Sep 2006, 5:49 pm

Hazelwudi wrote:
Choose the school that will most benefit you, career-wise.

Once there, look around the hard science majors, engineering majors, computer science majors, art majors, music majors, and psychology majors for chicks. Look also in any gaming clubs that might be in the area for chicks. They might not be dx Aspie, but at least one will still probably have the personality characteristics you're looking for.

So in other words, any non-business major is a potential aspie.


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20 Sep 2006, 5:57 pm

When I was an undergrad, the sort of eccentricity you are looking for was more common in some majors than others. *shrugs* I listed the ones I saw the most of that sort of eccentricity in, that's all. lol. :P


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20 Sep 2006, 6:46 pm

With your heathy lifestyle you likely do not want a smoker, but I have seen a study in which women who smoke are many times more likely to engage in casual sex.

They will more likely have ADHD if they smoke to(which is likely the mechanism of
why they seek out casual sex more)

You do not marry a college Tim you can change each semester. Yes you could goto
12 different colleges in 4 years and still get a degree and pay only a few dollars more
(transcrpts for multischools were the few dollars comes in)

In fact I want you at a new college each semster with babe reports back to WP!! !! !!


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20 Sep 2006, 6:51 pm

TheMachine1 wrote:
With your heathy lifestyle you likely do not want a smoker, but I have seen a study in which women who smoke are many times more likely to engage in casual sex.

They will more likely have ADHD if they smoke to(which is likely the mechanism of
why they seek out casual sex more)

You do not marry a college Tim you can change each semester. Yes you could goto
12 different colleges in 4 years and still get a degree and pay only a few dollars more
(transcrpts for multischools were the few dollars comes in)

In fact I want you at a new college each semster with babe reports back to WP!! !! !!

Now you're just getting weird on me lol :P


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20 Sep 2006, 7:17 pm

I'm in Portland, in the beautiful liberal Pacific Northwest, but you're too young for me. And besides, with your skinny and 34C wish list, you have ruled out skinny and 36C. :lol:

I get the impression that you have high expectations. If you do find a girlfriend, I hope you realize that she won't complete you, and she may not meet many of your needs. Trash all those romantic stereotypes you see in movies.

Wherever you go to school, go to the coffee hangout. Or go play pool. Join a fraternity like the one in Animal House. I know it's not easy to put yourself out there, but that's how you will meet people, and hopefully the hot chick of your dreams.

20 Sep 2006, 7:44 pm

Why is the size of breasts so important to you Tim?