I wouldn't say that it would be that easy for me to start a friendship in a short situation with a flirt.
that's just because I never see a reason why I should talk to someone I don't know and I have nothing that I share with this person.
I know that this is my problem and no criticism on persons who don't feel stupid while doing so.
but to me, a better place or rather a better situation to talk with people I don't know is a situation I'm forced to cooperate or when there are reasons to at least talk. for example parties or something like that where persons I already know come with me or my school/job/university, a course, for example cooking, dancing, (bad examples, both are irrational things to me, I'd never do that but... yeah^^) and of course the internet, because the internet offers multiple topics to talk about and the right base to select the topics you feel related to. The three relations I had all started over the internet because I could get to know the persons really good. Though that I have to say that it was everytime the girl who made the first step and after a few weeks I always quitted the relations because they bored me...
There were also quite a few girls in my everyday life who were fallen in love with me but I could never grow an interest for them since they never came up to me to have a longer conversation with me. So their love to me appeared rather embarassing and uncomfortable to me.
It seems a sane sexual drive would be desireable for making and having relations... it's interesting, I always thought my autism would be the reason that I feel so uncomfortable with this topic. I mean, I have a wish for love, for real warm love, just not those "dirty"-physical things. but people here appear to own such a drive mostly. So obviously it's just me and not the autism. what do you think?