They don't get sick of me or bored with me; they just don't get close enough to be able to actually fall for me.
A fair few manage to know just enough to be infatuated and
think they're falling for me, which I guess is understandable: I'm smart, talented, apparently good-looking, witty when I can remember how to talk, and apparently good social graces are easy to mistake for actually caring.
However, all these people have seen is my social mask; they've never spoken more than a sentence to me underneath it.
Only once you've spoken to me rather than the social persona, and done so at length, and seen my flaws as well as my good points, will I be willing to credit your feelings as actual love.
So yes after all that... no I haven't experienced it.
I don't see the appeal of becoming new people together with someone; I'm quite fine with who I am, and if I love someone I don't want them to change as I like who they are already.
This describes me exactly.