Wolfheart wrote:
mv wrote:
I don't give a fig for other people's opinions and views about me. That's not at all what makes me nervous. It's just having to interact with people, not their subsequent opinions. Does that make sense? I can't really explain it better than that.
I guess it's being forced to do something that's highly unnatural for me.?
In your case, you say that you feel socializing is unnatural which I can completely understand, I find socializing to be emotionally draining at times and it takes me strong amounts of energy because I tend to analyze and be self conscious about it.
I think the difficulty is that when you can't read body language or facial expressions, you end up fixating and analyzing too much which causes emotional and mental strain. That could be a common factor as to why many of us on the spectrum enjoy doing activities that involve being alone.
Yes! Plus (and I can only speak from the
older female point of view), there's this ... *onus* on the (older) woman to be charming and engaging and "fun", where I am assessing and analytical. I've watched myself torpedo more than one date, doing this.
I can do the charming and engaging and fun thing, it just takes everything I have, and I can only keep it up for about 2 hours. And, ultimately, that just isn't *me*. I'm willing to do it on occasion, but most people want that all the time.