johansen wrote:
If an NT woman is interested in you, it will be obvious. That said, nothing will be obvious if you don't even understand basic human interaction between normal people
It is possible to make friends easily and totally misinterpret an NT's romantic signals as platonic. Been there, done that.
Fnord wrote:
1. She seems to be appearing frequently wherever you are, without needing to be there.
2. Body Language is obvious (She points in your direction with her leg, foot or shoulders; She leans toward you while talking; She plays with or tosses her hair; She fidgets with a piece of jewelry (like an earring) or strokes the stem of her glass; She keeps her eyes locked on you while she talks or drinks; She mirrors your body movements (for example, if you put your hand on the table, she quickly does the same); and She smiles when you check her out).
3. She seems never too busy to pay attention to you.
4. She seems curious about you (i.e., your family, your background, and your tastes in things like food, music and movies).
5. She will ask about your job, your car, and where you live.
6. She seems open to future plans with you.
7. She seems "fidgety" around only you.
8. She seems upset whenever you talk to other women.
The more of these that occur, the more likely she may be interested in you.
1 and 3 could be, or she may just find you the most interesting person to talk to in the room, on a platonic level.
2, from pure observation, most people point their feet towards people they are talking to. When two people are talking, both feet point to each other; when three people talk, one foot will be to one person and one to the other. I've never seen the hair toss by people who fancy me, but I've heard this is true; some people are just fidgity with things; friends mirror each other's body movements too; there are other reasons for leaning towards someone. The eyes thing could go either way.
4 and 5 are standard techniques to get to know someone, platonically or otherwise.
6 requires further clarification of the term "future plans".
7 could be caused by you unwittingly making her uncomfortable from your style of speech or topic of conversation.
8 could be.