GlendaGoodWitch wrote:
Hi. I'm an NT gal who is currently crushing on an aspie guy.
I do not work with him but I see him every morning on our commute to work since Sept. We walk the same route but in opposite directions. From the first time I saw him on my morning route, he satred at me with a lovelorn face and did so for months. I tried to say hi, but he looke dpretied both times. It took me 5 months to get him to say hi to me. I know he has aspergers ... he sometimes walks with a swing in his arm, has a soft voice which leads me to ask him to repeat what he just said, has almost walked into traffic, doesn;t know I exist if he is talking to a co-worker (mind you, his co-worker is just listening not talking himself), mirrors my waves exactly, had a panic attack (laughed nervously when I introdiced myself to him, thrust his arm to the side in a arm flap and ran away from me), is very socially awkward but extrenely sweet and gentle when I speak with him. He smiles at me and blushes now.
I read that aspie males can sometimes run away from the object of their affection if they do not know what to say or fear what they will say will offend us. I gave him a Valentine Day's gift. I had baked for work and set some aside for him with a note that said: It is in my nature to be both kind an dgenerous to others, esp those I like. With that said, enjoy." A few days later when I saw him he tried to avoid me, but I approached nonetheless as I also read that aspie males apprecaiate when their crushes approach them, especially because they get nervous, and that this usually helps them relax and bit and engage in conversation. And he did engage me, even telling me "business" to which I asked for a clarificationa dn he told me I should open my own business with my baked goods. He even smiled and looked back while we were parting. It was obvious that he was nervous; I had a feeling when I saw him that morning that he didn;t know what to say. While speaking to him I was cognizant of asking him to clarify, asking yes or no questions, even made a joke which he got and laughed, wished me a happy valentine's day 9 days after the fact.
A friend of mine who has a n aspie friend tells me that bc my crush tried to avoid me that he isn;t interested as he should be obsessed with me after the cookies. As I tried to explain to her, the cookies were a way of letting him know more about me and who I am as a person. I didn;t want to write -- I am attracted to you -- and send the por guy I've spoken with a few times into a panic attack. I try to approach evry 2 weks hoping to build up a rapport and to get him used to me to open up. My co-worker(who has family members with aspergers) tells me he is warming up to me bc he is comfortable enough to be uncomfortable around me and that if he didn;t like me he wouldn't have engage me at all, let alone give me high praise.
My friend has told me that because he hasn't approached me to tell me how great my cookies were and is not acting obsessed with me that I should just leave him alone ... and I tend to think that is v. bad advice as I was very sick in early feb and out of work. When I returned my crush was v. apprehensive around me s if I rejected him ... and i was like -- I WAS SICK WITH A FEVER!
So, how does an aspie male show interest?
The aspie male does not show interest right away most of the time.
There is an NT girl who has a crush on me. Secretly i REALLY want to tell her how sweet that is but as an aspie male Im not afraid of asking her out to return the favor. Im actually more afraid that if I open my mouth she'll realize she crushed on a weirdo and the chance will be gone for me.
Chances are, as an aspie this is one of the few opportunities he will ever have in his entire life to get even close to a female relationship and he already struugles in normal relationships that bpeople take for granted. It's not that he's not interested. He's actually more afraid of "losing an opportunity of a lifetime" so he probably spends a lot of time trying to calculate what he should do in that situation. He's not comfortable with you yet because he thinks that you might reject him in the future (MAny Aspie NT relationships fail).
All you have to do is reassure him. he's actually just afraid he might offend you. JUST BE DIRECT and tell him that you just want to hang out with him.
Oh and important INDIRECTLY let him know that you have a crush on him by telling someone who might know him. Just say it. Aspie boys LOVE that.