>>So you're saying that laws are not for the independant 'thinking' person? If you have a problem with the law, then perhaps you should do something constructive about it through the proper channels, as opposed to things such as breaking them and trying to justify it. Think of the world when the law is taken into the individuals hands. It would work if everyone was good, perfect and in agreement, but that will never happen.<<
yeah the quickest way to change the law is using the scopes monkey trial method or roe vs wade method...
>>Obviously, but immature or not, you being older and male means that you have a degree of dominance, control, awareness and responsibility (societal constructs of course, but not without reason). You certainly have more experience and knowledge about these things and would be far more 'wordly' than a 15 year old child.<<
that's true.. but all of these don't automatically result in rape... it's like just because one person kills another with a baseball bat, doesn't mean we should make baseball bats illegal... the "wrongful and illegal possesion of a baseball bat" hasn't taken place... it's murder that's taken place and it should be treated as such
>>I have no idea where you got this from. Did I somewhere say that I was worried that you would rape her from a continent away? I'm not stupid, I know that sex and rape are two completely different things...<<
ok but i still don't get what your point is... i'm 29, she's 15... so what?
>>Ergh not another paste-war. Seeing as you want to drag this down into an arguement about the age of consent, somehow coming to the conclusion that I was inferring some sexual issue here, then we will.<<
ok sorry about the pasting, but u know the debate shouldn't be about my grammer or vocab skills... therefore why should i retype in my own words what someone else has succinctly phrased it somewhere else?
>>Let these groups argue all they want, until it is the law then it is irrelivent. Think of why age of consent laws are in place: to protect young and innocent children from physical and psychological harm before the individual is mature enough to consent to such activities. I am well aware that people grow and mature at different rates, as I am sure governments do, which begs the question: why have an age of consent? Wait, I'll let you give an answer to this before I do. <<
yeah i've had enough of governments taking their own sweet time to get thier s**t together... the government is run by average people... that means people with an iq of 100 on average... compared to me they're stupid ret*ds... how likely is it that these people know more about wrong and right than i do?
anyways, most of the psychological harm comes from the therapy that occurs afterwards that basically creates a victim where there was none in the first place... "The acts themselves harm no one, the emotional and psychological harm comes from the 'after the fact' interference, counseling, therapy, etc., that attempt to artificially create a 'victim' and a 'perpetrator' where neither exists"
>>EDIT: As opposed to running around wherever and whenever we like having sex with who we please.<<
well i would say that kids should be educated about such things, and the parents should be involved in a non-overbearing manner with regards to who their kids are hanging out with.... for example.. i'd be more than happy to meet with "red mage"'s parents... unless of course they're fundy christian republican conservative knee-jerk witch hunters armed with stakes and garlic
human society is notoriously fickle when it comes to right and wrong... so one should try to ground their ethical system on objective facts and not subjective opinions that change from time to time
I have no enemies - merely topologies of ignorance - JC Denton, Deus Ex 2