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08 Jul 2012, 1:00 pm

thewhitrbbit wrote:
It's really not that hard to have sex. :)

you're right, it only takes a couple hundred bucks.

no but seriously, i have no idea if you're doing some voodoo sarcasm or trolling or some level of ignorance


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08 Jul 2012, 1:22 pm

thewhitrbbit wrote:
It's really not that hard to have sex. :)

While it might be easy to do the act, having sex that both people find enjoyable is a little more complex. Even if both people have sexual experience I think the first time between two people has the potential to be a little awkward and not amazing. It takes a while for people to get used to each other, and what their partner likes. In a relationship you can work on this together. Anyone who expects fireworks the first time they go to bed with someone is setting themselves up for disappointment, in my opinion. Real life isn't like the movies (and it's definitely not like those movies!)


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08 Jul 2012, 1:40 pm

theimp wrote:
I'm 25 and a virgin.
I have had a few chances when I was in my late teens and I was an idiot for not taking them. After that I have had few chances with girls in the last few years...

Lately, past year or so, I have gained some confidence and seem to be attracting girls. But now, I have a problem.
I have no experience. I don't have any idea what to do if I had the chance. I guess this would be acceptable if I were 17 but not at 25.

I don't want to meet nice girls who would be turned off by sexual incompetence. So I have been thinking lately, should I hire myself a prostitute?
Just to gain some experience, to know what I am doing... To not be a massive disappointment.
I am not completely certain but this is holding me back from meeting girls and trying to have a relationship.

Some advice please?

I'll go against the grain and recommend a prostitute if you do not see your current circumstance changing in 10-15 years. You could end up asking the same question as you are at 25. If you don't, you end up a virgin at age 40. Do you want to try to explain to a woman when you're 40 why you've never had sex or a relationship? It's hard to explain and not have it seen as a major red light.

As it is now, you're still in your 20's, and while odd, it isn't much of a problem.


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08 Jul 2012, 4:22 pm

metaldanielle wrote:
Do u follow a religion that frowns upon pre-marital sex? Even if u aren't devout, u might meet a girl who is more devoted and be glad u waited.
If u do hire a prostitute, and later on the subject of past partners comes up w/ a girl ur involved with will u be ok if comes out u lost ur virginity to a prostitite?

And consider there are girls who are still virgins at ur age. If u get involved w/ them, they will be glad that ur as inexperienced and nervous as they are.

U only have one first time. I think people are better off making it mean something if they can.

On the other hand, if ur so nervous about ur lack of experience that u can't bring urself to have sex period, then ur better off hiring a prostitute.

I think people shouldn't value "the first time" as something magical and special. It's like the first time you drove a car, the first time you tasted pizza or the first time you bought a flat screen television. Sex is a beautiful thing--but the first time shouldn't be a rite of passage or a milestone.

If anyone wonders, I lost my virginity in a one-night stand with no protection and can't even remember the girl's name. :mrgreen: I sincerely hope that nobody here idolizes me, but if an ok looking girl wants to sleep with you, even if you're not in a relationship and even if this is not the first time you've anticipated for years, I'd say go for it! You've got nothing to lose and making virginity more sacred than it really is or seeing the first time as some rite of passage is one of the deadly mistakes people here make.

You only have one first time (just like you only have one second time), but hopefully, you'll have sex more than once in your life.


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08 Jul 2012, 4:30 pm

DoniiMann wrote:
I was just shy of 32 years when I kissed that affliction goodbye. Believe me, the fear is worse than the reality. You learn quickly if you're willing. And if the person is as nice as you'd want a long term partner to be, they'll be patient. Be willing to please your partner, and it will work out fine. Everyone on the planet was a newbie at the beginning. If it mattered a lot, we'd be a lot less over-populated than we are.

I agree completely! I personally don't ever want a guy that has paid for sex! Also, I don't want a guy with a lot of experience...I'd like to think I was special enough that we waited for each other. :) You really don't have an issue far as GOOD women are concerned!


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08 Jul 2012, 5:03 pm

I would go with an escort. I agree with the guy who said you should hire a prostitute if you don't think you'll get laid in 10-15 years. Personally I would love to go do Amsterdam or Germany to do it but I spent most of my money. The only reason why I havent done sex 4 money is I'm afraid of the stigma stds and getting caught although I have no moral qualms. I think it should be legal.

I don't live in La la land or a Disney movie. Most girls are sluts anyways. I've seen it. Wait till you get to college. I don't believe in love. Its a story you tell your kids. Just like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Alright I kid but its just that I haven't ever felt love or had a girlfriend.


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08 Jul 2012, 5:06 pm

Kurgan wrote:
metaldanielle wrote:
Do u follow a religion that frowns upon pre-marital sex? Even if u aren't devout, u might meet a girl who is more devoted and be glad u waited.
If u do hire a prostitute, and later on the subject of past partners comes up w/ a girl ur involved with will u be ok if comes out u lost ur virginity to a prostitite?

And consider there are girls who are still virgins at ur age. If u get involved w/ them, they will be glad that ur as inexperienced and nervous as they are.

U only have one first time. I think people are better off making it mean something if they can.

On the other hand, if ur so nervous about ur lack of experience that u can't bring urself to have sex period, then ur better off hiring a prostitute.

I think people shouldn't value "the first time" as something magical and special. It's like the first time you drove a car, the first time you tasted pizza or the first time you bought a flat screen television. Sex is a beautiful thing--but the first time shouldn't be a rite of passage or a milestone.

If anyone wonders, I lost my virginity in a one-night stand with no protection and can't even remember the girl's name. :mrgreen: I sincerely hope that nobody here idolizes me, but if an ok looking girl wants to sleep with you, even if you're not in a relationship and even if this is not the first time you've anticipated for years, I'd say go for it! You've got nothing to lose and making virginity more sacred than it really is or seeing the first time as some rite of passage is one of the deadly mistakes people here make.

You only have one first time (just like you only have one second time), but hopefully, you'll have sex more than once in your life.

Great post as always.

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08 Jul 2012, 5:08 pm

How about looking for an older woman on a dating site? The "right" older woman would be patient and teach you without being in a hurry herself. She just needs to know your situation in advance.


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08 Jul 2012, 5:15 pm

BrenJB wrote:
DoniiMann wrote:
I was just shy of 32 years when I kissed that affliction goodbye. Believe me, the fear is worse than the reality. You learn quickly if you're willing. And if the person is as nice as you'd want a long term partner to be, they'll be patient. Be willing to please your partner, and it will work out fine. Everyone on the planet was a newbie at the beginning. If it mattered a lot, we'd be a lot less over-populated than we are.

I agree completely! I personally don't ever want a guy that has paid for sex! Also, I don't want a guy with a lot of experience...I'd like to think I was special enough that we waited for each other. :) You really don't have an issue far as GOOD women are concerned!

Ideally I agree with you. But you are dealing with a bunch of men who are lonely, desperate, discouraged, and tormented. We are social ret*ds and women know this so they leave us alone and judge us. We see that and have low self esteem. I imagine sex with a woman to be one of the greatest things a man can do. Since most of us are virgins we crave it. In fact most men I know crave it and accomplish it without any problems. Sex with a prostitute doesn't even enter their minds. I've seen men who I thought were ugly or nerds get more women over me. Its because they are aggressive assertive and have high confidence. I have non of that. So ya ideally I don't want to pay for sex because its disgusting and degrading but no one else will give me a chance. We aren't horrible people.


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08 Jul 2012, 5:52 pm

bizboy1 wrote:
BrenJB wrote:
DoniiMann wrote:
I was just shy of 32 years when I kissed that affliction goodbye. Believe me, the fear is worse than the reality. You learn quickly if you're willing. And if the person is as nice as you'd want a long term partner to be, they'll be patient. Be willing to please your partner, and it will work out fine. Everyone on the planet was a newbie at the beginning. If it mattered a lot, we'd be a lot less over-populated than we are.

I agree completely! I personally don't ever want a guy that has paid for sex! Also, I don't want a guy with a lot of experience...I'd like to think I was special enough that we waited for each other. :) You really don't have an issue far as GOOD women are concerned!

Ideally I agree with you. But you are dealing with a bunch of men who are lonely, desperate, discouraged, and tormented. We are social ret*ds and women know this so they leave us alone and judge us. We see that and have low self esteem. I imagine sex with a woman to be one of the greatest things a man can do. Since most of us are virgins we crave it. In fact most men I know crave it and accomplish it without any problems. Sex with a prostitute doesn't even enter their minds. I've seen men who I thought were ugly or nerds get more women over me. Its because they are aggressive assertive and have high confidence. I have non of that. So ya ideally I don't want to pay for sex because its disgusting and degrading but no one else will give me a chance. We aren't horrible people.

I can see having sex with a prostitute because YOU want to experience it--but as for the OP's concerns about not being good enough for his future partner--having sex with a prostitute will just make someone seem MORE lonely, desperate, discouraged, and tormented, to most women. It might also offend a lot of women's values.

No woman is going to think, "wow--he had sex with a prostitute! He must be good!" More likely, they'll think, "wow--he might have STDs, and a man like that might cheat on me with a prostitute--I don't want to feel like I have to compete with fake-pleasured sex workers." But actually, I shouldn't say how most women would feel--those are some things that would run through my mind.

I'm sure some people are understanding of men who see prostitutes (especially in places where it's legal), but I think most would be more understanding of sexual inexperience.


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08 Jul 2012, 6:00 pm

bizboy1 wrote:
I would go with an escort. I agree with the guy who said you should hire a prostitute if you don't think you'll get laid in 10-15 years. Personally I would love to go do Amsterdam or Germany to do it but I spent most of my money. The only reason why I havent done sex 4 money is I'm afraid of the stigma stds and getting caught although I have no moral qualms. I think it should be legal.

I don't live in La la land or a Disney movie. Most girls are sluts anyways. I've seen it. Wait till you get to college. I don't believe in love. Its a story you tell your kids. Just like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Alright I kid but its just that I haven't ever felt love or had a girlfriend.

If girls are such sluts, why can't you get laid? :P

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
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08 Jul 2012, 6:00 pm

You don't have to tell women you slept with a prostitute. Many women apparently lie about the amount of sexual partners they've had, leaving some out to appear less experienced. Additionally, I think plenty of guys around the world are that desperate. It doesn't matter how they appear - they feel like they need experience. I've promised myself to try and find a prostitute to lose my virginity around the time I reach 30, because there are hardly any other legal options.


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08 Jul 2012, 6:07 pm

Let me give you my two cents, considering I was in your shoes... well until last saturday actually.

For many years I thought I would never find a mate, I even considered "hiring outside services". Let me tell you, it may not seem it right now, again im speaking from painful experience, but one day you are going to meet the person of your dreams, its going to "click" and you will be off your feet.

Like you, I had a couple missed opportunities back in school that at the time I was beating myself up over. It is most definitely worth the wait. Fair warning though, the first time you have sex, you wont have any idea what the hell you're doing, i didnt. You might need to use your hands to "guide the ship into port" but you are going to feel like a new person afterwards.

Me and my honey have been together for a month now, lets just say Ive got to go look at rings pretty soon here.


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08 Jul 2012, 6:11 pm

Who_Am_I wrote:
bizboy1 wrote:
I would go with an escort. I agree with the guy who said you should hire a prostitute if you don't think you'll get laid in 10-15 years. Personally I would love to go do Amsterdam or Germany to do it but I spent most of my money. The only reason why I havent done sex 4 money is I'm afraid of the stigma stds and getting caught although I have no moral qualms. I think it should be legal.

I don't live in La la land or a Disney movie. Most girls are sluts anyways. I've seen it. Wait till you get to college. I don't believe in love. Its a story you tell your kids. Just like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. Alright I kid but its just that I haven't ever felt love or had a girlfriend.

If girls are such sluts, why can't you get laid? :P

and here is where alpha/beta/omega theory comes into play


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08 Jul 2012, 6:20 pm

bookworm285 wrote:
How about looking for an older woman on a dating site? The "right" older woman would be patient and teach you without being in a hurry herself. She just needs to know your situation in advance.

Not a bad idea, really... and far less "EWWWWWWW!!" factor should your future girlfriend/spouse ever hear about it!


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08 Jul 2012, 6:26 pm

There are pro's and con's of being a virgin.

The pro's are that when you meet the girl you fall in love with and she falls in love with you, it's much more special. You can learn technique together and it will be exciting for you both.

The con's are that there is a good chance you won't be very good in the sack for at least a while. There will be things you don''t know to do and you won't have the confidence that adds to turning the girl on.

The pro's of hiring a hooker are that you can tell her you don't know what you are doing and ask if she could teach you, as well as focusing only on your pleasure.

The con's of that are that she may not really teach you much and also even though some girls wouldn't get upset that their guy had slept with a hooker in the past, they would get upset that the guy had only slept with a hooker because it would come across that no other women wanted the guy. So, I'd suggest not telling her if you go this route. I'd also suggest using protection, for everything.

Everybody is different, but I believe there is more of a spark between the couple when the sex is awesome. When it's something that the girl thinks about the next day and has to tell her friends about the things he did in the sack that make him better than the average bear.

However, showing concern for her out of bed is important too. Cuddelling, showing some type of emotion, etc.

That is just my opinion though and I do not by any means speak for all women.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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