Mike_Garrick wrote:
Its not as much about the physical kiss, at least for me, then it is about feeling so undesirable a woman won't even kiss you.
Whats so horrible about me that the slightest hint of romantic interest from me sends a woman running?
I'm not ugly, but I sure feel like I must be.
I don't know how close that is for everyone else but its my surface thoughts on it.
What I find frustrating is that I'm not ugly and I get along GREAT with female co-workers (most are about 10 years older). Just yesterday I was talking to a group of 4 of them and all of them can't understand why ladies wouldn't be fighting over me. I'm in good shape, very tall, well liked, am great with children and have an extremely stable, full time job. At least if I was ugly I would know why but I honestly have no idea why I'm so apparently unattractive. If I'm quiet they aren't interested, if I'm aggressive they get scared and if I don't give a $#@^ they aren't interested either and if I'm friendly I'm friend-zoned. I've literally tried every strategy (and yes, I've just been myself for many years) and women have assured me there is nothing I do that would turn women away and it's very hard to understand why there isn't a lineup of women chasing me.
I know the obvious answer is "Aspergers you idiot!" but unless you know me well you would never suspect it at all. If relationships didn't last I would agree but I can't even get them off the ground! I know I only need one but I'm starting to doubt if one even exists.