yellowtamarin wrote:
That all seems like pretty good advice to become an Alpha Male (it seems to be for males in particular and doesn't seem to be for Aspies in particular, so I changed the name).
I would just change this part
Wolfheart wrote:
Women will try get a hold if your balls if you let them
to either:
Some women will try to get a hold of your balls if you let them", i.e. the Alpha Women or whatever they are called; or
Believe that women will try to get a hold of your balls if you let them", because it's really your attitude towards women (not necessarily the truth) that makes you a better Alpha Male.
If you're the type of man who'll let them, then that's the type of woman you'll attract.
Also, step 4. A thousand times, step 4. For most guys having little luck with women, this is the most important advice they can get.
If life's not beautiful without the pain,
well I'd just rather never ever even see beauty again.
Well as life gets longer, awful feels softer.
And it feels pretty soft to me.
Modest Mouse - The View