Mariannelux wrote:
ShamelessGit wrote:
I think love is when your happiness is dependent on another's. It can be very painful if the other person isn't careful with your feelings.
this is an issue that most people have to work out through life. i mean.. its not cos you are in love that you should remain on your partner to be happy. i have learned it the hard way but i did learn something. and i know i have to be myself happy for what i do with my life. not cos my boyfriend is there for me and sweet and take care of me. its an addition really amazing but not something i should rely on.
Well said.
Love is pretty elusive, for me anyway. I think I've offered my personal prosaic definition on here before-- a mutual attraction that's grounded in an abiding respect and affection for another person-- but despite how simple that seems to me at times, there are so many variables. For a long time I may think I'm fed up with the whole "game" and become kind of an unromantic, cynical misanthrope, but then I'll be caught completely off guard. But in the meanwhile, life has to go on. Living fully isn't just about relationships, and if you base everything around them, you're not going to get any lasting happiness.
So right now I'm not sure how to answer the poll. Emotion says yes, of course I would like to have a love relationship. Other factors say that sometimes it's about not letting yourself fall in love even though it might seem very easy to do so.
"And there are days when I would be away . . . Oh, wherever men of my sort used to go, long ago. Wandering on paths that other men have not seen. Behind the sky. On the other side of the rain." -Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell