Wolfheart wrote:
JanuaryMan wrote:
Sorry, Wolf, I think you have the right message for sure but are displaying the wrong attitude for that message.
Instead of giving advice (which you're normally balanced with) you showed us an insight into your self absorbed and narcissistic nature. This thread wasn't in the least bit helpful, all it did was imply you think you're a great person that can score with a lot of girls because you are ... so great (and will probably argue they do, too, as a retort).
At the end of the day, you can either view something with a positive attitude or a negative attitude and if you choose to view it with an negative attitude, you won't gain anything from it.
The point of the thread is that success comes from within, you can either be a victim of your circumstances or someone that is willing to put up a fight. There are people in far worse situations than just having Asperger's and we should be grateful that we have the opportunity to fit in, be physically healthy and live fulfilling lives instead of creating this us and them or victim mentality.
lol..I'm saying you twisted a positive message (the one you wanted to show) into some sort of self gratifying display for all to see in a board. I'm generally a very positive person. I'm also quite an open minded one (how many other people here try and reach middle grounds with their critics?). As someone that doesn't come from dire circumstances yet at times have let my person get the better of me, I can say you have really let your ego get the better of you. You don't see me blowing my own trumpet all the time in here.
Feel free to dismiss any criticism as having a negative attitude, but that will only deflect the truth for so long.
I agree that success does come from within, but getting responses from naive American women by attempting to be the dark, brooding, mysterious European when you already have good looks and practice at pickups is hardly a success story that will help people with real problems here get a realistic outlook on dating. There's a saying from where you and I come from - "Fit and you know it". Face it, this was a self serving thread.