I don't know how it'll play out either. I went to see the one girl, the bagger, at her other job today. We had a lot of fun (where she works at as a second job, the management sucks and the store is dead all the time, and they let their employees basically run wild). When we were discussing plans for hanging out, she suggested we bring another friend (a mutual friend who is one of my best friends, he's also the other guy who likes her). I dunno why. Maybe she likes him. But she never really mentioned him that much. I ended up staying at that store for 3 hours just BS-ing around with her. It was pretty fun.
Then the cashier, I added her on Facebook this morning, and she basically accepted the request right away and the playful comments started. But they didn't last long. And I found out the reason she doesn't work that much is because she is going to college 2 hours away from here. So I had the thought that maybe I should go for the bagger instead, but I'm not sure because of what happened earlier.
I don't trust anyone because I'm cynical.
I'm cynical because I don't trust anyone.