ANicL wrote:
Duncan- I dont really think girls flirt with me all the time, its just a coincedence that these 2 incidents happend within a 30 day period.
To everyone else; yes she was the bagging groceries girl, she was sweet and kind, but when a girl talks to me its a big suprise, nobody ever talks to me lol. Maybe that is why i notice these things. Im not sure where you all live, but i live near Los Angeles, and people tend to be caught up in their work or thinking of other things, when people are friendly to you, then you take notice, im sure where all of you live people tend to be a little more friendlier, just a thought.
Yes, when all the people around you are angry and stressed, you pay attention if someone is kind to you. It's disconcerting in a good way. It doesn't matter if they do that because it's part of their job or not, it's nice.
I know what you mean about disconcerting in a good way, its like , wow some people really are nice out there.