Problem is that it is hard to define what creepy actually is. I've met a few guys who I think, looking back, might have been aspies, but they didn't come across to me as at all creepy. Awkward and shy yes, but that to me isn't remotely creepy.
What I think creepy is:
The guy that starts chatting a woman up, won't take no for an answer, and follows her around all night being a nuisance. Even more so if she tries to leave and he tries to follow her.
The guy that starts turning the conversation sexual way too soon and won't change the subject despite being asked to.
Being too touchy-feely, especially after the woman has asked him to stop.
Any form of real life stalking, i.e. following her home, following her to work, hanging around her work, trying to find out where she'll be on a given night and turning up there. This isn't just creepy but criminal behaviour.
It doesn't help that in so many films and TV programmes the hero has to pursue the woman long and hard before she eventually changes her mind and he wins the prize (her). In real life that behaviour is not romantic in the slightest, the woman would probably be terrified that this man won't leave her alone and her friends and family would be helping her to get a restraining order. But it has become a cultural meme, that Real Men chase and the Hero gets the (beautiful and compliant) girl as a trophy for his perseverance, and Real Women might say no but don't mean it, poor thing doesn't know what she wants and if a man stalks her enough, she'll bend to his will. Is it any wonder men get confused when we are bombarded with this stupid trope day-in-day-out?